Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pencils Kill People


The one thing our government has no idea how to actually do, is not interfere. Instead they are constantly writing policies and making laws for us, the US citizens, that fit their agenda in some way. How the heck does a piece of paper stating a law protect me  from someone threatening my life or better yet how does it stop someone who’s breaking the law. It helps to prosecute them after they have been caught and defines what it is you have to do in order to be convicted BUT it doesn’t stop them in the act. If someone is threatening my life am I supposed to hold up a piece of paper with policies to defend myself? Or should I tell them, “hold on so I can call the police to come protect me.” and snap my fingers to freeze them until the police arrive?
How stupid is our government to think that taking away guns from responsible gun owners is going to stop people from being shot? And why does it seem like criminals have more rights then everyone else. If someone is breaking into my home I feel at that point they are threatening my life, whether they have a weapon or not. I feel that someone coming up and telling me to give them all my money, car or whatever is threating my life regardless of their weapon of choice. I can go on and on.
After doing some research about gun control and gun laws and policies I have decided that our government is crazy!! A  NO INTERFERENCE POLICY is one I definitely support!

A policy of no interference is one in which a government decides to let its people protect themselves from criminals, and trusts them with firearms. Thus, there are few or no restrictions on who can own, or who can carry a firearm. Switzerland, as a country, is very close to this idea, and provides a great case study for what happens when a country's citizens are heavily armed. Switzerland has some of the lowest crime rates in the world, despite very high levels of gun ownership. Also, despite being sandwiched between two aggressive powers during World War II, the country remained untouched, largely due to the heavy rates of private gun ownership. Hitler and Mussolini knew that the heavily armed Swiss population would defend itself fiercely, something it did not need to fear from many of its other, more unfortunate neighbors.

Here in California we have so many restrictions and they keep coming.  Contrary to what we have talked about in class with regards to California citizens being able to carry a firearm as long as it isn’t concealed or loaded is not true. JerryBrown fixed that just recently and it’s disgusting!


  1. I completely agree with you! We should be able to protect ourselves and not have to rely on the police to show up and rescue us. Very well said!

  2. People should always have the right to protect themselves and can do so just as easily with a pencil as a gun.
