Signing of the Constitution 1787

Friday, March 23, 2012


I feel that a good firearms law should grant the freedoms afforded to our citizens in The Constitutions but at the same time treat those who use their firearms against another with the greatest level.  I struggle with the Idea of people walking around "strapt," but I am a firm believer that our first ten amendments are sacred and the second affords  people the right to bear arms.  Also because there are subcultures in America where guns are woven into their Identity and a father teaching a son how to shoot and hunt is a coming of age "ceremony" for allot of adolescent males.  I do not believe that anyone has the right to take that identity away from them.  I absolutely believe that every person with a gun should always have the duty to retreat in any circumstance before they use their weapon.  And any kind of incident when another human being kills another should always be investigated with suspicion.  There would be no "make my day" laws and if you murder an unarmed innocent person(whether he looks suspicious to you or not)  you will pay the price.  Gun owners would have a "DUTY" to protect life.  That would mean that if an accident happens they are still liable for the death that was caused by their doing and their firearm.


  1. I think alot of fathers have lost that right of passage that is to be handed down to son. I also agree this is not the wild west any more. But it truly is woven into the fabric of this great nation.

  2. Is it really in our second amendment though, it does say arms not guns, and at the time of writing their arms were not nearly as deadly and blades were used more commonly in self defense. But that aside, should we allow it to be woven into our fabric. In spite of what people say the government does in fact place value judments on many things we do, making them illegal. Is there a higher cause the government could take then trying to save someone from a stupid "mistake". A persons life, even one persons, seems a price too high to pay because some one needs a gun for their right of passage or because they identify with a gun...

    1. I agree that one life is too much a price, but eradicating every gun on earth wouldn't stop violent crimes from happening. While some of us don't agree with those who use or own guns, what right do we have to take something important away from millions of people know matter how UN-needed we think it is.

  3. I agree with you Shaun when you stated :Gun owners would have a "DUTY" to protect life. That would mean that if an accident happens they are still liable for the death that was caused by their doing and their firearm. So many people carry their firearms like clint eastwood and think they are a cowboy but when someone gets hurt all of a sudden the cowboy becomes a victim. people need to take responsibility for what they do especially when it comes to lethal force and gun control. People die over these issues and it is not something people take lightly.
