Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Game

My group definitely works together in making decisions for the country and I am very happy with the way my group works. When we meet up in groups, my group always just throws ideas onto the table and we pick and choose the ones we feel fit our country the best. I like the route my country is in and I think it is good where it stands because we have a president that is for war and against war and the creativity just shows. We have not discussed a strategy when dealing with other countries.  Our country is based off original ideas, I guess you can say that growing up in the USA has influenced some of my ideas, but I wouldn’t say our country wants to be like any country that is already existing today.

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting you have a president of war and one of peace, i'd like to know more about that. I feel that our groups are about the same with going about some things, for example the strategy with other countries and that everyone contributes ideas and the best ones kind of stay...I think this game has brought the class together overall and thats why I am totally for it. I feel more comfortable in this class than any class i've taken in college so far.
