Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Midterm Reflection

I think that my group spread out the work evenly. I also think we did very well with our presentation. We had organized things well so it worked outn nicely. I honestly think everyone in my group did a great job and we all did an equal amount of work. I would probably rate my performance as an 8. We all did our own research on the specific subjects that we wanted to talk about.
I wouldn't remove any of our group members right now. I think that our group as a good flow to it and we seem to be working really well together. Everyone was able to set aside time to meet out of class and that shows dedication.
Workplace Rules
A. Showing up - 10
B. Doing your fair share - 10
C. Being on time - 9
D. Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members - 10
E. Handling conflict among group members - 10, althought there wasn't really any conflict.
F. Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting - 8. Some of us still used our phones when we met, but we all focused on what had to get done. It wasn't like anyone took a phone call and ignored what was going on in the group. I know that the project was really important to all of us and that showed.

5 Rules for an Effective Group-
1. Respect and communication giving everyone a chance to have input.
2. Responding to emails and keeping contact outside of class.
3. Everyone needs to be willing to do their own part, and be willing to meet as much as needed.
4. Working together and staying focused on the issue at hand.
5. Having fun and getting along. If you look at the project like a chore, it gets boring! But if your able to have fun and get things done at the same time, it makes it an enjoyable time!

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