Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Article 2 Human Trafficking in California

Human Trafficking is a worldwide problem but it is also an ongoing problem here in California. California is actually the top destination for human trafficking. Sharing a border with Mexico is a big contributor to our local human trafficking problems. In 2005 California enacted its very first anti-trafficking law which finally made the crime a felony. The people of California have enacted a proposition (Prop 35) which makes people who are convicted of these crimes register as sex offenders. Which means they have to not only register with their names and addresses but also register their online screen names, internet service providers, and e-mail service with the local law enforcement. It also requires them to let law enforcement know when they leave any types of comments or blogs online. The prop also increases fines and prison sentences for these human trafficking convictions. Prop 35 is being debated currently as to whether it is violating the sex offender’s 1st amendment rights.  

Recently, here in Eldorado County, we had someone from our community end up a victim of human trafficking. I personally went to school with this girl and it was a big shock to me when I read that she was missing. Apparently she was approached outside of a drug treatment center. She had been on drugs and going through a lot dealing with the losses of two of her best friends. She was at an all-time low in her life when she was contacted. These people promised her many things for her services. Once she was in they did not let her stay in contact with her family or friends and seemed as if she had dropped off the face of the earth to the outside world. Her family was missing her, looking everywhere they could think of. Her mother finally found an organization whom helped her find her daughter. She has now been rescued from the horrible situation and hopefully on the way to recovery. She has a young daughter and hopefully soon she will be able to get back in her life once she is able to put this terrible incident behind her.
Human trafficking is not only happening here in California but also here in our little community. I think we all need to be aware of how close to home this is and that this is affecting all of our right to live. These people running these rings will do anything to control the victims. They pump them full of drugs, force them to do heinous things, starve them, and make them truly believe they can never leave. They even make them feel like they will be in trouble if they personally reach out for help

There was also a case recently in Long Beach, California for which two men were arrested. They would use sites for up and coming models to recruit women along with propositioning them to be a part of an upscale escort service. The two men would even get romantically involved with some of the women and force them into prostitution. They offered financial help for their families, immigration status, and many other things under false pretenses. They were all secluded from their friends and families to guarantee as much control as possible from the men.

There has been so many cases over the years all over the world but countless here in California. People are being not only forced into prostitution but also for labor. Forced labor is actually a lot more common than prostitution. This next case is about a women (Matul) who was brought to California from another country, under false pretenses about a full time nanny position. When she got here she was stripped of all her personal belongings, physically and verbally abused, and forced to do housework 18 plus hours a day. Matul was terrified to come out and try and leave this horrible situation. Until finally when she decided to reach out to the neighbors nanny who ended up helping her escape. Finally the women that had been doing this to her was charged and Matul was free. This is a quote from the victim Matul, reaching out to others that may be in a similar situation and lending her words of wisdom. "Don't be afraid to come out, because I was afraid, I was afraid that nobody out there could help me," said Matul. "I didn't know, I was afraid, so if you are still in that situation, don't be afraid. There's still hope for your life."

1 comment:

  1. I think you all did really good on your midterm. I think this is really sad to hear about these people ending up in human trafficking. It was interesting but horrifying to hear about how common it really is. I hope more will be done in the future to help the victims.
