Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Midterm Reflection Overview

1.  In your group were there people who did more than their fair share, and those who did less?  How did that affect your group's performance?  Where would you put your own contribution, among the most or among the least?  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate your performance compared to the others in the group (5 would be the average contributor).
         I know that everyone in my group performed spectacular during our presentation. There was little to no problems communicating our presentation to the class. Days before our presentation we had met at a local location to discuss further details of our project, and anything not taken care of then was taken care of through electronic mailing. I would rate my work an 8. I think I did better than I thought I would, but when reading my speech I never looked up from the paper to make eye contact with the class. I also read my paper quicker than I anticipated and I don't think I filled my portion of the time given to each speech even if the time was made up for with questions from the class.

2. If I was given the ability and the choice to remove someone from the social issues group I would not have anyone removed. I think that we all carry our weight and responsibilities, and I am glad to have picked this group as my group.

3.  How important were basic workplace rules in your group?  Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important they were the following:

A.  Showing up - 10
B.  Doing your fair share - 10
C.  Being on time - 9
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members - 8
E.  Handling conflict among group members - 9 There has been very little conflict.
F.  Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting. - 10 Although our group has used their cell phones we agreed upon the use as long as it does not interfere with group productivity. It has yet to become a problem.

4.  Please come up with Five Rules for Having an Effective Group.
1. Communications
2. Personal Responsiblity
3. Leadership Responsiblity
4. Teamwork Success
5. Respect for others and their ideas

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