Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Article 5 The Effects of Human Trafficking

Everybody has the right to life, at least that's what is stated in our constitution. What happens to those people who's rights and freedom are stricken from them and they are hidden away from society and treated worse than animals? For victims of human trafficking, the only right they have is to silently obey or suffer the consequences. There is no question on whether these victims have the right to life or not. They do not. Period. Human trafficking deprives people of their human rights and freedom. They are taken, abused, ignored and become just another face in the crowd, when everything in their appearence screams "help me". Human trafficking affects everything and everyone, around the world. It is your next door neighbor. Innocent lives are being taken away everyday.

 Trafficking goes beyond the victims and is carried around the world. Human trafficking spreads disease and illness all around the world. Victims are made to have sex with upwards of 30 people a day. Many victims get sexually transmissted diseases and then pass it on to the next person. It is a vicious cycle causing a global health risk. Human trafficking feuls organized crime and makes more money than the drug trade. It is passed along border to border and is here right in our home country. In 46% of the cases of human trafficking the victim knew the recruiter. Is anyone really safe from human trafficking? It is a danger that all people should be aware of, and cautious about. People need to be careful who they put themselves around, because like it said, nearly half of all cases, the recruiter knew the victim.

The victims of human trafficking have to deal with the emotional, physical and psychological effects of it for the rest of their lives. These victims suffer all types of abuse from emtional to sexual, physcial to psychological and then deal with living in fear for years to come. Raids as an anti-sex trafficking meauser also severly impact sex trafficked victims. Victims may experience physical violence from law enforcment during raids. The victim then has to deal with emotional trauma from confusion and fear. Law enforcement are supposed to help the victims but sometimes things go wrong and victims are seen as the captors. This makes vitims hide from law enforcement and not trust them when they say their there to help. Once a victim is taken it is almost impossible to escape that captivity they are held in. Many women struggle with drug and alcohol addiction during and after they are in the trafficking ring. The are so physcially abuse that they end up with broken bones, brain injuries, burns and unconciousness. Many women become pregnant while they are in the trafficking ring and miscarry the baby from all of the abuse or are forced to get an abortion. It takes most women months, even years, to get over a miscarry or the guilt of an abortion even if they are not victims of trafficking. For a woman who had no choice in anything that she has to do with her body, this guilt and pain will last a lifetime. The victims will be dealing with psychological effects forever. They experience mind and body seperation, they have to live with shame, guilt, fear, distrust, self hatred, and post-tramatic stress disorder. PTSD causes anxiety, depression, insomnia, self loathing and more.

Try taking a person who is dealing with all of this, and putting them right back in society and asking them live a normal life, as if none of it has happened. That is what happens to many of the victims of human trafficking. There are starting to be more and more safe houses were women go to after they are saved, and are taken care of, given counseling and as much support and help that they can get. However, living with these serious psychological effects can destroy someone's life, and they may never fully recover.

The link below is just one of the stories of human trafficking and how it works. Traffickers tend to seduce young women or children that have a troubled home life and offer to make it better. Once the offer is accepted, the victim has a hard time escaping from their grasp.

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