Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, April 18, 2013

For our midterm, I believe our group did very well over all. We all did more than our own fair share of research and all did well presenting the information we found on our topic. Not only did we all take time to meet up but we all helped each other add information to the areas we were presenting but also helped each other pick the most important information so our presentation was direct and to the point. I think we all contributed equally so I would rate myself and the other group members at an 8.

I am very happy with our group. We all get along so well and are able to discuss assignments and come to an overall conclusion very easily. As of right now I would not vote anyone out of our group. I also do not think that we need anyone else added to our group. We work very well together compliment each others work well, so I am pleased with how our group is and would not change it at all.

A.  Showing up :  10
B.  Doing your fair share : 10
C.  Being on time : 9
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members : 8
E.  Handling conflict among group members : 10
F.  Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting. : 9

Five Rules for Having an Effective Group:
1)  Communicate effectively
2)  Enjoy each others company
3)  Be open to each others ideas
4)  Take time to meet up collaborate information
5)  Respond quickly to each other

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