Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Should we shun people for being into bondage?

There are many people out there that love in different ways. Some people like to take things slow and easy and others are almost animalist when it comes to sex and relationships. We all know it and everyone has a different opinion on it but normally just say, "to each their own." What I don't understand is why people judge others on the extent of their sexual preferences. Like people into bondage or domination. What is wrong with someone liking to get a little freaky, why are these choices being thrown against them in custody cases and such. Isn't that against freedom of expression

"The human right to freedom from any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on sexual orientation, gender, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, language, religion, political or other opinion, age, or any other status, which has the purpose or effect of impairing the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms; and the human right to effective protection against such discrimination." taken from

 Parenting has nothing to do with your sexual choices and it should not make a difference what your preferences are. Why are people losing friends and family members because of their sex life. I don't understand what the difference between people that regularly go to strip clubs and use their private rooms, and people who go to bondage clubs or are into it privately? As long as no one is being hurt, more than they are asking for, then what's the problem.


  1. I agree with you in that what happens in someones private life is the their decision and no one should judge them for what they do in their private time. But unfortunately coworkers, friends, family, or random people always know what is better for you. I wish people would keep to themselves more often. But the fact that we as a society have to live our lives through someone else wont stop the judging.

  2. Exactly! Thank you for sharing this I agree with you completely. It shouldn't matter what people are doing in their bedroom or at a strip club if that's what they want to do. It's called privacy as long as its fine with both parties what their doing. Haha
