Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Guns Destroying Society?

Another gunman kills four people. We have been seeing headlines like these for months now. Because of these twisted people who continue to take innocent lives, the federal government is currently debating enacting restrictions of an assault weapons ban. Which could also be seen as taking away our 2nd amendment rights. Various states already have their gun laws into place, however with these recent events the federal government is "taking the matter into their own hands" in a sense. What I wonder is, is it really gun control that we need? Isn't the problem that there are so many people out there that have serious mental or emotional issues and are not getting help? I'll agree that guns are not that hard to come by, however neither is any other weapon. We should be looking at why people in our society have these issues.


  1. From what I read in an ATF report last year, the percentage of gun owning Americans has been on a marginal but steady decrease since the 80's, while gun related violence has remained unaffected. So I would agree with you that possession of guns its not the root of the problem.

  2. I would agree with you that guns are not the only problem. Yes, CA has some of the toughest gun laws in the land. But guns are easier to buy off second hand owner ship than buy one new and I do believe there should be more focus on this from law makers.

  3. I too agree that guns are NOT the problem. If anything citizens who abide by the law and carry legally are more of a help than anything, we never hear about the heroes who shoot down gunman and dont wear a badge or in somecases are just off duty. There was story about three weeks after the Sandy Hook shootings that was hardly talked about. An off duty police officer was working a second job as security at a movie theater in Texas, she was armed only because she had permits and was legally ok'd to carry. A man in an uproar came from the restraunt next door and opened fire on everyone he could see, the man killed 3 and injured 3 others before he was shot and killed by the security guard. WHY DO WE NEVER HEAR ABOUT THE GOOD THINGS GUNS CAN DO FOR US???
