Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Americans forced to leave the country to be with the one they love
For straight couples if you fall in love with someone that was born in another country, you can apply for a green card based on your relationship. For same sex couples they do not have the same rights even if they are legally married. Many couples are being forced to make a very hard decision; Give up on the love of your life, or to leave the country they have always called home. Is this wrong? This subject has been causing a lot of controversy. In my opinion I think that no one should be able to tell anyone else that they are wrong for loving someone. If you don't like it then maybe you should not worry about it. Years ago women were not aloud to vote and had very little rights. Was that right? Of course not. I believe that as a country we need to stop worrying about the petty little things and start worrying about more important things, like the people out there killing each other. The states legislatures have been going back and forth on this issue for quite a while now. President Obama's proposal, which was followed by a bill was brought to the house of representatives this month and is introduced to try and help resolve making people choose their loved one or their beloved country.

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