Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Republicans Supporting Gay Marriage...

As we all know it has been a constant battle between conservatives and liberals when it comes to gay marriage. I would argue that the law should have no say in who people want to marry, but it does. This article in the New York Times states that some republicans are beginning to support gay marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act is a federal law that defines marriage as one man and one woman for interstate recognition. For years mostly liberals have been fighting to repeal the act. Up until recently this cause didn't have hardly any support from conservatives. Homosexual people are not being allowed to form connections with each other because of DOMA. In my opinion, as long as people are happy it should not matter who they're with. This law is getting in the way of true happiness for some people and taking away their sense of belonging. Maybe now that some conservatives are starting to suuport gay marriage we will see some changes.

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