Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, February 28, 2013


There are some heartbreaking stories on immigration about loving parents that are ripped from their children’s lives. I don’t think that there is one solution for the immigration issue. The current legislation on immigration states that if someone is here illegally for more than 180 days they need to leave and wait three years before they can apply for re-entry or if it has been more than 365 days they have to wait for 10 years before they can apply. That is a long time to be away from your U.S. born children.  The real issue for me is I don’t want anyone coming into the United States and committing crimes or living off welfare for an extended period of time. Some people come here to escape poverty and they may already have children. I think we need to work with these people to help them get on their feet and not ”let” them just live off of welfare. They need more than we give them, they need our real help.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I dont think it is fair to have people recieving benifits when they are not legally binded to pay for those benifits. However our nation has been completly built by immigrants and I believe the process of moving here to seek better working conditions and living conditions is what many of our ancestors sought at one point and we need to make it easier and more accomadating to complete the process legally.
