Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Do we need stricter gun laws? I think yes. But what? The federal and state gun laws don't always protect the ones who need it most. Our children. I am against guns for myself. I would not care if they were banned completely, however I realize that cannot speak for someone else. I know that there are responsible people who are gun owners. I don't think that every gun owner should make that decision on their own. I know people who have guns and think they are responsible, but I have my doubts. I would like to see mental health evaluation for any one buying a gun, new or used. I would also like to see mandatory training and laws that hold them responsible if they do not follow the proper safety measures.


  1. Such a difficult topic, So much sadness at the end of a barrel. Makes sense to require a mental health check for purchase in the abstract. But what would that look like? Who would pay for it? Would you need regular check- ups as to your mental status throughout the year? How many? I completely agree that there are gun owners out there who profess responsibility that should be doubted. But how? Mandatory training and qualifying is an interesting idea as well, but once again, how? What would THAT look like?

  2. i agree with everything you said except the ban. if they did require mental health background checks, eliminated the gun show loop hole so that felons couldn't purchase firearms and had accuracy test to show you know how to properly fire the weapon you are trying to acquire. Wouldn't that ensure safe and responsible people own the weapon?

  3. no we do not need stricter gun laws! if u think about it its not the guns tht dont follow the law its the people in possesion of the well i think if obama is really thinking about taking our guns away i think he should take away police officers guns and the FBI's guns and CIA's guns etc...just cuz they have a badge doesnt mean tht they are anymore responsible with the gun than a 3yr old. if we are americans and we were all raised to treat one another how we want to be treated and treat everyone with equality.(obama isnt fit to b an american)not sure how obama was raised but im sure thts how real americans were raised.Fuck obama Fuck The Law and Fuck The Society tht our government and all these retards in the public offices these days have been forming and created. I say we keep the guns and lose the law enforcement who need them anyways? as long as every home has a hand gun and a shot gun maybe a sniper or 2 we will all b fine and dandy no need for cops no need for obamas retarded self tryn to take our guns to make us helpless.Plus wasnt the 2nd amendment the right to bare arms. this nig keeps tryn to take our rights away tht our 4 fathers gave us probably cuz george washington was the reason obamas family ever made it to

  4. I do not agree with gun control whatsoever putting stricter bans on guns is not fixing the root of the problem it is merely complicating the matter further, if we try to enforce gun control to stop violence should we blame cars for drunk driving and start regulating the sales of cars? Also drugs are illegal but people still manage to obtain them with relative ease, so banning/restricting guns wouldn't take them out of the hands of criminals or the mentally ill but it would take them from law abiding citizens who may need a firearm to defend themselves (which is becoming more and more of a necessity with budget cuts and police response time). Banning firearms would deny Americans not only their second amendment right but also to protection.
