Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Since this week is a free blog and I have yet to blog about my home gurrl Taylor Swift, I figured this would be the perfect opportunity. I am still bitter that I did not get my tickets to her concert in time. She was in Fresno about a month ago but the tickets sold out in a matter on minutes. :( Pooo. Anyways, after the recent flood in Nashville, she donated $500,000 of her own personal money to relief. Way to go TSwift!

Speaking of generous celebs, Will.I.Am started this new charity called I.Am.Home. He was on Oprah Monday talking about it. He is helping people pay off the major debts they have on their houses. Oh-so generously, he is using entirely his OWN money to do this. I don't remember his exact words but he basically said: Why would I ask other people for their money when I have a ton of my own? He is not a big spender on materialistic items. He does not want the latest and most expensive threads from France. On his birthday he bought his grandma from the Projects a beautiful new house. What a guy.

Well, since this blog went from being about Taylor Swift to being about Will.I.Am, here is a link to his I.Am.Home website. After a year of using his own money to aid those in need, he plans on expanding and asking for donations from others.

1 comment:

  1. This is how the world should be. A lot of stuff has happened to me lately and I have realized that the world, as individual people, has gone to shit. Nobody helps anybody unless they get something out of it. Its refreshing to know there are still people out there like that.
