Signing of the Constitution 1787

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Final Presentation - Mono Okeah

The Society of Blogging Nations (SOBN)

Our first order of business as a society of blogging nations was to develop policies on the security of people in their persons and their houses as against unreasonable searches and seizures. Our SOBN Search and Seizure policies are as follows:

Search & Seizure Policies:

"People have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, personal property, vehicles, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Our second order of business was to bring life to our blogging nation. And so Mono Okeah was born. Nestled on a small Caribbean island, Mono Okeah established a Constitution to determine its government would function and describe their powers and methods for resolving conflict. Mono Okeah quickly became a nation to be envied.

Birth of a Nation:

Country: Mono Okeah

Motto: "A Unified Land of Opportunity"

Population: 50,006

The Constitution of Mono Okeah is the supreme law of the nation Mono Okeah. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of Mono Okeah and the federal government of Mono Okeah. It provides the framework for the organization of Mono Okeah's government and for the relationship of the federal government to the states, to citizens, and to all people within Mono Okeah.
The Constitution of Mono Okeah defines the three main branches of government: a legislature, the bicameral Congress; an executive branch led by the President; and a judicial branch headed by the Supreme Court. The Constitution specifies the powers and duties of each branch. The Constitution reserves all unenumerated powers for the respective states and the people, thereby establishing the federal system of government.

All positions of power are elected by the people of Mono Okeah through majority vote. The President can serve a 4 year term for a maximum of 3 terms and if death should occur, the Vice President will serve temporarily until a new President is elected. The position of Vice President is an assistant to the President and may serve as temporary President but will not automatically become President unless the people elect them into the position.

Our third order of business was to establish Mono Okeah's policies on life and death.

On Life & Death

Right to die:

A civil! In our country, adult citizens must go to any of our right to die hospitals accompanied with their will where their wish must be noted and notarized. These facilities are funded through citizen taxes and insurance covers this procedure.

Right to abortion:

A civil! In our country, women in their first trimester may choose to abort a fetus without questions. If at any time the pregnancy becomes a health concern for either the fetus or woman during any trimester, as indicated by a doctor, then an abortion is legal. There is mandatory sex education provided by schools and free contraception provided, no questions asked.

Our fourth order of business was to address policies on borders, culture, and values because Mono Okeah contains a sizable minority who are descendants from the indigenous Monoa tribe which originally inhabited our island. They are ethnically, culturally, economically and religiously different from the rest of the population and choose to stay that way. Their religious practices include the concept that women should not work outside the home, that they should marry as early as possible and have as many children as they can. Given their position on birth control (against) and abortion (dead set against), they are set to overtake the rest of the population by the year 2040 if current trends continue. They speak their own language and require women in public to be fully covered in a burka-like gown. They refuse to learn English.

The Monoa tribe has an extremist branch that has taken to smuggling other ethnic Monoans onto the island from the adjacent Trubu Island where they share common ancestry. They have also taken to random acts of terrorism, such as bombing schools where girls attend and holding your people hostage for money. They also hold parades through their own streets calling for the "Return of the Monoan Legacy." They are funded, in large part, by a drug-smuggling operation that accompanies the human trafficking operation from Trubu.

Mono Okeah established policies on border, culture, and values.

Competing Values:

Immigration - immigrants coming into our country who are 18 years of age or older must participate in mandatory community service and education programs for 3 years (as temp citizens) to earn their citizenship. While participating in this program they will earn minimum wage salary that will be taxed to help fund the program. If immigrants are found to be living in our country illegally they will be offered the citizenship program or face deportation.

Cultural Assimilation - Country's values will be inculated through education and community service to ensure unity and a thriving value system.

Economic Development - to ensure all cultures live in unity in our country, education through schools and outreach programs will educate its citizens about the many cultures that coexist abiding be the same values of peace and unity.

Freedom of Religion is one of the many freedoms of Mono Okeah, so to ensure these freedoms while protecting citizens (in response to wearing masks and burquas as an expression of religion) any and all government establishments can only be entered with a thumb scan to record the identity of those entering to protect from acts of terrorism.

If a group (like the Monoans) are found guilty of planning a terrorist/extremist act that affects the freedoms of fellow citizens their citizenship will be revoked and they will be deported. If found guilty of carrying out a terrorist act they will be subject to harsh penalty under law...i.e., life imprisonment or death.

Our final order of business in Mono Okeah, was to establish how our country dealt with gay rights and marijuana use. And so it was resolved that:

Gay/Lesbian Rights:

In Mono Okeah gay and lesbian couples have a legal right to join in marriage. Just like marriages between men and women, gay and lesbian couples, upon qualification may adopt child after being married for 5 years.


In Mono Okeah medicinal marijuana is legal with a Doctor's prescription. Non-medical marijuana is legal for adults to use in 1oz quantities and may be purchased legally at licensed marijuana vendors who pay to be legally licensed. The marijuana purchased will be taxed and the taxes will go towards rehab programs and towards enforcing these regulations. Smoking is permitted away from children (under 18 years of age), in well ventilated areas, and in designated smoke zones to avoid "contact highs".

So in closing, after we entertain you with Mono Okeah's national anthem, we invite you to celebrate the forming of our country...Mono Okeah by eating a dish that is indigenous to our country, croissants. And you may ask, "why are they all wearing flowers in their hair and wearing sundresses" well the flowers are a symbol of our beautiful nation and sundresses and sun shirts are our native attire.

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