Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mono Okeah's Competing Values

Immigration - immigrants coming into our country who are 18 years of age or older must participate in mandatory community service and education programs for 3 years (as temp citizens) to earn their citizenship. While participating in this program they will earn minimum wage salary that will be taxed to help fund the program. If immigrants are found to be living in our country illegally they will be offered the citizenship program or face deportation.

Cultural Assimilation - Country's values will be inculated through education and community service to ensure unity and a thriving value system.

Economic Development - to ensure all cultures live in unity in our country, education through schools and outreach programs will educate its citizens about the many cultures that coexist abiding be the same values of peace and unity.

Freedom of Religion is one of the many freedoms of Mono Okeah, so to ensure these freedoms while protecting citizens (in response to wearing masks and burquas as an expression of religion) any and all government establishments can only be entered with a thumbscan to record the identity of those entering to protect from acts of terrorism.

If a group (like the Monoans) are found guilty of planning a terrorist/extremist act that affects the freedoms of fellow citizens their citizenship will be revoked and they will be deported. If found guilty of carrying out a terrorist act they will be subject to harsh penalty under law...i.e., life imprisonment or death.

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