Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Religion... love it OR leave it for someone else!

Today in class, we spoke about violence driven by religion. I believe I understand correctly, that the religion of Islam is thought to be the most violent and holds no benefit for society. It sounded that way to me.
I have to say... I personally have not met God and cannot tell you whether you are right or wrong in your beliefs. Frankly, I have seen religion work wonders. Unfortunately, I have also seen just how insane people act on behalf of religion.
We all want to understand our purpose in this life and many of us feel that religion provides us with that purpose. It sounds good... all religions (other than outright hate groups) claim to support good versus evil. You would think that would make our society stronger and healthier, but it's all subjective. One person's good is another person's evil. Nothing is clear besides the hypocrisy with which we treat one another. I know (probably very little in the scheme of all there is to know) about the religion of Islam, but I do know that there are some wonderful people in this world who happen to subscribe to it and yet, do not have a mean bone in their bodies. I also know that the bad apple doesn't always ruin the bunch, but rather spoils the bunch’s reputation and that is unfortunate. After all, look at the all the hateful deeds that have been done in the name of Christianity... I prefer not to lump all Christians in with those freaks who call themselves "doing God's work." I sometimes feel that the eradication of all religions might help, but I support our freedoms of religion and speech and in the end will always uphold those rights. For better or worse? We're stuck with each other. Let's make the best of it, shall we?
p.s. Please watch the video below because it is important to know that it isn't religion that hurts people, but rather people who do harm and should be held accountable INDIVIDUALLY.

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