Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Arizona's Immigration law

I thinks that the law that just passed in Arizona is ridiculous.It's not right that its assumed just because you may look hispanic you may be an immagrant.You must prove that you're not by having proper paper work on you at all times.There is no corrlation between looking hispanic and being an immagrant.When i ride me bike or go out for a walk i don't take anything with me because i usually don't have any pockets and i shouldn't have to and now if i was in arizona and got asked to prove my citizenship i would be taken to jail because i didn't have anything on me.Immigration may be a problem but i think there are more reasonable solutions that don't discriminate against people who look hispanic.

1 comment:

  1. Arizona's new immigration law says absolutely nothing about arresting or questioning Hispanics based on their appearance. The law specifically addresses that officers should not and cannot resort to racial profiling. The law only applies if there is reasonable suspicion, and therefore if it can be proven in court that an officer who stops a citizen acted unreasonably, the charges would be dropped against the citizen in question. The media and ignorance has spun the issue to be a racial one, and it most certainly is not. Read the actual text of the law and then make an argument.
