Signing of the Constitution 1787

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

TOMS A Day Without Shoes

I think that this was a very good cause. I walked my day without shoes (and I walked my dog without shoes as well, so that is 6 feet right there). I think that TOMS recycled, vegan and earth-friendly shoes are a great way to support our planet. Not only are they great for the environment, but for every shoe that you buy, a pair also is given to a child in need. We, especially in America, often forget that it is a privilege to even have one pair of shoes. This day of a awareness helped to make many people realize just how hard it is to go all day without a pair of shoes on your feet. I know, by the end of the day, my feet were pretty much black and I had stepped on countless object, some of which even stuck to my feet. Shoes, although a vital part of hygiene, are often no where to be found in places such as Africa. This leads to many people with foot diseases and bacteria growth. So (not to sound like a commercial for TOMS) but buy a pair today and help out those in need! They are some of the most comfortable shoes I own.

Here is a link to an article about A Day Without Shoes.


  1. I like the idea of these. Its always good when we can sell something to help charity, especially in places like Africa. Also i think people take advantage of so much that they forget in some third world countries even shoes are a luxury. Also props to lauren for going shoeless.

  2. I think that the whole idea of toms is way overarted and just another hipster movement, that people think is cool to have. I feel that most people have no idea what this brand is really about, and more about just buying a shoe because they think its cool or the new thing to due. I hate how people just follow one another, all of the lemmings jumped off the cliff becuase the first one slipped...
