Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Opportunities For The Wealthy, supported by the poor

Life is full of opportunities and we know this because against all odds people do succeed. Not everyone mind you, but a handful of them do. So, is it a question of personal determination? Is it that they were lucky enough to be motivated and given direction by a mentor? I guess the real question is, were they in the right place at the right time?
The ugly truth is, plenty of people (even in this great country we live in) are disenfranchised by a system that was set up to fail. This land of opportunity has become a land of corporate greed with plenty of government support. There is a cycle of poverty that is consuming us and it continues to grow larger with each passing day. I cannot count the number of times that I have heard people say that, “all you have to do to succeed is simply pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” The image alone is ridiculous. You can’t physically pull yourself up by your bootstraps. This statement along with the image only serves as further proof that denial is not just a river in Egypt. It is a diversion tactic that works well, so I have seen. The fact of the matter is, there happens to be people in the world without bootstraps, much less boots and that saying suggests that we have the tools, but aren’t making use of them.
I know that I am not alone in the knowledge that funding for education continues to be cut and that alone scares the hell out of me. The best way to control people is to limit their access to a good education! This country is most definitely BY the people, is just isn’t FOR the people. Who is it for? … The top 1%, whose wealth leaves the other 99% of us in their dust. I understand that most of us have been tempted by the carrot that was dangled in front of us, that suggested we too could be wealthy if we worked hard enough, but that carrot no longer exists, unless you’re still hanging onto the hopes of winning the lottery. The disparage between the haves and the have nots, is so great that the haves will either have get the hell out of Dodge or invest in their country, in order to avoid the angry mob that WILL come after them. What do you think they’ll do? How many of those greedy bastards do you think have their own island already picked out? Everything has its end… and the end has begun. To prove it, we can no longer afford to buy the products that we used to make, because our jobs have been sent overseas in order to create an EVEN LARGER PROFIT for those businessmen who wanted more, even in the face of all that would be lost by those who have given their utmost for the most meager income.
Screw corporate welfare! The public welfare system is a drop in the bucket compared to the welfare we give to big business and what do they do with it? They misspend the people’s money and when their businesses fail, they pocket millions and go bankrupt only to start all over again AND they continue to do so with our money. We are so harsh and selfish towards one another, while at the same time, we accept a great deal of crap from the wealthy. Something that I have always been aware of, but never had confirmed until recently by someone I know (who happens to be on the other side of this argument) said to me, “There’s a secret that the wealthy use to control the rest of the population and that secret is to stir up conflict amongst the poor to keep them fighting one another while we’re running for the door with all the money.” We are such idiots not to see that. Does it make you mad? It should!
I know something else that I hope gets you thinking and spreads like wild fire… Our government, though they appear to run us, only do so because we have yet to grab hold of the reigns. They operate on OUR money, NOT on their own! The day WE decide to HOLD OUR TAX contributions RANSOM with a very clear and unified statement to our government that we have a set of demands that must be met before we will relinquish that money, then and only then, will we have the control. Our taxes are supposed to pay for those things that benefit our society as a whole. We have the right to say how our money is being spent. Please, talk about this with someone. Generate this conversation, regardless of where you stand on the issue. Get the opinion of an elder. What do you think the answer is? By the way, I don't mind being wrong. Having an opinion leads to a discussion and right or wrong, I care about what works and I know that what we have is not working... What I do mind is an unwillingness to think. I know we can do better.


  1. This was very much the opinion of Karl Marx, and is the driving factor behind the conflict theory in sociology. I suggest you take a very objective look at the subject from another point of view. I agree with some of your points, but you also have to understand economics from the scientific point of view of economists before you make moral judgment calls.

  2. I want you to know that I JUST NOTICED YOUR COMMENT FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY and I read it with an open mind. Unfortunately, I don't know how else to respond, except to say that it wasn't clear.
    You stated that you agree with some of my points... Which ones?
    You stated that my post was very much the opinion of Karl Marx. In what ways was it, and do you think that is good or bad? He doesn't sound like such a bad guy to me, if in fact he would agree that we should expect to have our tax dollars benefit us.
    Also, you stated that I need to understand economics from the scientific point of view. Is that another way of saying that, "You'll feel much better about corporate greed once you hear that a scientist approves of it?"
    By the way, that conflict theory is a theory and words cannot soothe unjust realities. Right is right, while wrong is wrong no matter how a person wants to spin it. You always know the hypocrite because he’s siding with a system that he is not subject to and would quickly oppose if the tables were turned.
    The only person who does not want equality, either has more than his share and is greedy OR has less than his share and recently fell and hit his head very hard.
    I would very much appreciate specifics. I tried to be specific and looking back, I feel that I was clear. You know where I stand, but I can't say that the same in regards to your comment. No harm intended... I would just like to know what we agree on and don't. I look forward to your reply.
    Thank you.
