Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth Day

"The earth was not given to us by our parents, it was loaned to us by our children."

As Earth Day rolls around, I got to thinking: How can I contribute to/celebrate this year? About 2,500 gallons of water goes into only 1 pound of beef! Recycling 1 aluminum can save enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours (or is equal to half a gallon of gasoline). By simply being more conscious of how we treat our planet and the resources that we are using, we can make Earth an even better place to live.

Disney's new Earth Day movie "Oceans" comes out tomorrow, and I can't wait to see it! Anyone else excited? I'm thinking I'll hop over after I see Date Night.

So far today, I walked to the grocery store with my mom (verses driving) and we picked up plastic bottles and other litter that we saw on the side of the trails. My ongoing act to stay "green" is being a vegan and I am at a little over 2 months now! Whoooo! There are so many little things that we can do in our daily lives that will greatly benefit the future of our planet. It sounds cliche, but even though it often feels like one person doing their part cannot make a big change in the world, if we work together to just do a little, we will see substantial results.

Earth Day Network is a fantastic tool for learning more about helping our planet.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it does seem very futile to even try. But that is like everything else that requires participation in a large scale, like voting. Sure it technically helps but its so minuscule. Id figure the better methods are to change companies rather than people. I think there will be noticeable change when car companies, factories, and anything that is the major polluters are turned more green than we as the consumers have, in a sense, no choice or will adapt the greener ways.
