Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Personally I don't believe in abortion at all unless the mother was rape victim or if there are pregnancy complications where the baby or her would be in danger.I think that way to many teens use abortion as a way out and I think the baby shouldn't be aborted because the parents were being irresponsible.But then again everyone should have the freedom to make the choice themselves.Making the choice to abort the baby should definitely be make in the first trimester if that's the path someone chooses to go down.Waiting until later on in the pregnancy is completely irresponsible and no matter how you choose to think about it,it's murder.


  1. Unfortunately, especially in teenagers. They are mislead as to the reality of what really is happening. From the point that it isn't really a baby yet (simple way to say it), to that it is humaine and the baby doesn't know a thing. I unfortunately have seen videos from the doctors side of things, not the distorted patient side, it is horrible and thats all I am going to say. I no longer believe in abortion. I am glad I was out sick today, from class as well so I did not have to act like I would support it to go along with the group.

  2. I agree with you. I don't think a lot of females take - the chance of getting pregnant - seriously enough. Engaging in sexual activity is a huge responsibility. I think the option of getting an abortion is far to easy and "convenient."

  3. this is touchy subject .alot of emotion and stuff with iti i cant believe what the decision would feel like to have to make.

  4. shauna... you wouldnt of had to go along with it.. everyone has their own opinion and should speak it... and i agree this is a very sensative issue... many details and questions...
