Signing of the Constitution 1787

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Its Not Politics Its Science,0,3432071.story
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Sunday denied questioning President Obama's Christian faith but said the president has an environmental belief "that elevates the Earth above man."

I question not when but if certain people will ever "Get It."  Why is it so hard for so many to comprehend that we are destroying our planet. Why do our leaders make us choose between our god or our earth, our happiness or our earth, Human beings or our earth.  Why is it one or another?  Why cant all coexist in harmany?   When are we all going to except that climate destabilization isnt politics like some would like us to believe, these conclusions are based in science.  I feel I need to mention that I am not some tree hugging liberal hippy, I found out last semester if everyone lived like me we would need almost 5 worlds for substainability.  I just feel that if we could stop debating over something that is fact then we could focus more on the solution.

I feel that this issue probably begins as a civil or criminal issue under the jurisdiction of state or federal governments.  But because it is a world issue it should be dealt with at a federal level.  Despite differences in international and national lawmaking processes,  there no clear boundary  where International Environmental Law leaves off and national law begins. In many instances, national environmental laws have been enacted for the sole purpose of meeting obligations imposed by international agreements. 

1 comment:

  1. What's concerns me most about this debate is that it is considered one in the first place. Religion should not be playing any sort of role in the decision of who becomes the president of our country. I agree with Obama's adviser who suggested that Rick Santorum was way out of line in his questioning of President Obama's faith. Santorum ignoring global warming is frustrating, too. I hope this very real issue will be taken seriously by our leaders soon.
