Signing of the Constitution 1787

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Three I's

Another season of Fiery conversations, debates, and flat out arguments are upon us as we head into a presidential election year, and I love it!  In class on thursday we agreed that Integrity, Individuality, and Influence should be on our coat of arms.  For me no values are more vital than these three when it comes to oneselves own belief system when discussing social issues, especially in a election year.  The one down side to this time of year is that certain politicians and media sources use some of these issues in a dishonest way to fire up their supporters to vote for them.  I believe that if some of our politicians had a little more integrity and our voters a little more individuality the people of this country could influence some real positive changes in the future.  Unfortunately I fear that this campain season will be an especially dirty one.


  1. Ialso love watching the debates and hearing what they all have to say. The values your group chose were really good ones. I don't know if its possible to ever have a truthful politician.They do what they do to get the votes.

  2. I totally agree. It just seems that this political debates are not about projecting their good image, but just bashing on others. I just see constant streams of ads that say "Well Romney does this" or "Santorum did that" Its getting to the point where these debates are becoming a joke. I sure hope they change, and do take upon integrity, honesty, and actually give us more about how they will actually change our country for the better.

  3. I definitely agree that politicians should be required to have more integrity. However, it seems that in order to be diplomatic there is no possible way to have integrity and still get votes amongst the majority since we all have different political views. Unfortunately, it can make everyone reluctant to vote or even believe anything a politician has to say.
