Signing of the Constitution 1787

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Society and Their Views on Drunk Driving and Hit and Run

On Saturday night Feb. 13, 2010 a man had been at Folsom City Slickers Bar and went outside to his car were two men had jumped him. This man (in the picture above) was a 58 year old, who has heart coniditions and a pacemaker. He managed to get away and get into his car where once again he was pulled out and beat some more. He got away once again and got into his car where when he had backed up, he caught his attacker with his door and ran him over. This man drove off and went staight home (about three blocks way) and called 911. Now I live in the apartments that is right behind this bar. Trust me I have heard so many different stories about this. Plus I know this family, I have grown up with his sons, who I have known for over 15 years. My sister was there when all of this happen. To me, two laws come into play with this one. Was the man drinking and driving? And was this a Hit and Run? The article from the website News10, has alot of people talking. It is funny how someones horrible nightmear can get a bunch of people that don't know each other talking about the same thing. To me, I don't think either of these two laws come into play. If you are getting beat to all hell you have that right to get out of there any way possible. As for the hit and run part, I still think it was all self defence. Why would anyone stop when there were two men who already pulled you out of the car once? You wouldn't, you would keep on going to make sure you were safe. Its these laws that can really get people talking and even to get people fighting in some cases. To read about this story please click here

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