Signing of the Constitution 1787

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

California's Anti Paparazzi Law Signed

For many years, celebrities and socialites have petitioned to have an Anti-Paparazzi Law signed. Jennifer Aniston has been a strong force behind this law. Civil penalties are to be enforced behind those who sell or buy videos or photographs of people including celebrities and their families. Endangering families and children of celebrities is one of the main points that pushed Governor Schwarzenegger over the edge and convinced him to sign this law. Princess Diana, for example, was killed by a paparazzi crashing into her car. This policy limits the connection that media outlets and paparazzi have with celebrities.

This article from the Huffington Post further explains this law.


  1. Im not a celebrity but i can only imagine how annoying this would be. Anywhere these people go they are swarmed with 30 photographers tryin to get picture of there 2 week old brangelina baby or whatever there callin them now. Also we have seen first hand what happens when these people "need" to get thier shot when princess diana was killed. A law should definatly be in place for nosey paparazzi who never leave people alone.

  2. Im glad they finally did something about that. IT would be extremely difficult to go about your life with people watching your every move. Theres no need to know about a famous person's every move, its just stupid. That picture just proves how annoying it can be for those people.

  3. i think its about time that this happened.. they are actors.. they are doing their job.. its none of our business what the do in their own private lives... although some of their lives are more entertaining than the movies they are in....
