Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Link Between Internet and Television

In this day and age, the Internet is one of societies main forms of connection. Although radio and television may have once played a large roll in American traditions, the Internet is beginning to take over. Not only are people signing on to chat rooms and posting blogs about their day-to-day events and emotions, but they are also writing about what they view on television. The connection between television and the Internet are being more strongly linked. People are now watching television shows such as American Idol, the Olympics, the Superbowl, and various award shows and blogging about them. Humans are naturally inclined to want contact with other humans in order to feel that they are being heard. This feeling of importance also gives many people an outlet to vent to others. Connection amongst other people is very important in personal growth and understanding of other peoples' views.

This article from the New York Times show the strong link that Internet and television has.

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