Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Immigration is keeping loved ones apart. In this case, less than a year ago a man was separated from his girlfriend who was deported back to China. Instead of bringing our nation together laws are separating us still to this day. The only way she would be able to stay is if he proposed in order for her to get a green card. A green card is the only way she would be able to permanently live in our nation. Even though in some cases marriage may not be a problem others shouldn't be forced to marry in order to permanently live somewhere else.

1 comment:

  1. To define your statement a little clearer, I think you are trying to say "Illegal immigration is keeping loved ones apart." Now to look at this from different perspectives - If the relationship with the boyfriend was important, she could "earn" her U.S. citizenship legally to be with him. Maybe she was just using him to get into the U.S.? Maybe he saw the writing on the wall that she was just using him to become a citizen? Now, can you imagine how many thousands of illegal aliens a day would be flocking into the U.S. if there was a law that allowed them to come and stay legally because they claimed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend here?
