Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Democracy A Necessary Evil

I like to believe that people are inherently good. I also believe, however, that power can corrupt even the best of us. What makes democracy such an effective form of government is that no individual is in complete power. A democratic society has certain inherent checks and balances which limit any one person or branch's power and therefore limits the chance for corruption. This is an ideal situation, however, and obviously is not always true.


Immigration is keeping loved ones apart. In this case, less than a year ago a man was separated from his girlfriend who was deported back to China. Instead of bringing our nation together laws are separating us still to this day. The only way she would be able to stay is if he proposed in order for her to get a green card. A green card is the only way she would be able to permanently live in our nation. Even though in some cases marriage may not be a problem others shouldn't be forced to marry in order to permanently live somewhere else.


The agree with the quote "The capacity of people for good makes democracy desirable; their capacity for evil makes democracy necessary". People in an ultimately ideal society would always put others wants and needs before their own. This would mean that selfishness would be nonexistant. In the real world, most peoples' intent is not to harm others, yet in the process of advancing their own desires, society often puts other people at risk. Democracy is necessary in the sense that the majority of people will be pleased if the majority of people are listened to.

This article from the New York Times relates to the "democracy rules" in the United States decision to form a democracy in Iraq.

The Link Between Internet and Television

In this day and age, the Internet is one of societies main forms of connection. Although radio and television may have once played a large roll in American traditions, the Internet is beginning to take over. Not only are people signing on to chat rooms and posting blogs about their day-to-day events and emotions, but they are also writing about what they view on television. The connection between television and the Internet are being more strongly linked. People are now watching television shows such as American Idol, the Olympics, the Superbowl, and various award shows and blogging about them. Humans are naturally inclined to want contact with other humans in order to feel that they are being heard. This feeling of importance also gives many people an outlet to vent to others. Connection amongst other people is very important in personal growth and understanding of other peoples' views.

This article from the New York Times show the strong link that Internet and television has.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence can happen to anyone. Just in the past 10 years or so, the laws have gotten a lot tighter. People now that commit this horrible crime are getting a lot more time in jail. Domestic violence can make families, friends, and the people that it happen to, shut down. Connections with other people can end up being very hard to make. A lot of the time the person who the domestic violence has happen to don't know what to do, so they end up just keeping everything to themselves. They are embarrassed, don't know where to go, or even feel like it was there fault. I have done a lot of research on this topic for many reasons. If any one is interested in reading more about this subject or know someone that is going through this problem here are a few websites to check out. One being my personal blog that has lots of info on this subject (click here). The next one being a website that I found very useful for information (click here). If you just remember one thing about this post that should be that no one should ever have to go through this. It changes people who have been through this. If you know this is happening to someone please speak up. They may not at the time think you are helping them, but really you are saving their lives.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Passports required for going to a different country

As much as we love exploring and meeting new people it can be quite difficult to visit other countries.Lots of us love the idea of traveling somewhere and learning about other cultures.Many places like Europe,aren't very hard to travel to.You can just use your US passport, travel there and come back.But other places like in the middle east can get a bit more difficult.There is a long process that you have to go through to visit if you don't have a passport for the country you're trying to travel to.It may take years to be able to travel there and because of that many people who would like to go there don't even try.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Crony capitalism

In order to enable more jobs to exist the recovery act was created by Obama awarding one of three major window company’s money to create jobs. Serious Materials is not the only window company to manufacture energy efficient windows but yet they are the only company awarded this due to its political ties. In turn this effects the thousands employed at other major window company’s. I think of this in a more general aspect, it starts with window company’s receiving money but turns into food, auto transportation ect. So one can only imagine the effects on people’s social life when you can no longer trust in the security of your employer.check this vid out

California's Anti Paparazzi Law Signed

For many years, celebrities and socialites have petitioned to have an Anti-Paparazzi Law signed. Jennifer Aniston has been a strong force behind this law. Civil penalties are to be enforced behind those who sell or buy videos or photographs of people including celebrities and their families. Endangering families and children of celebrities is one of the main points that pushed Governor Schwarzenegger over the edge and convinced him to sign this law. Princess Diana, for example, was killed by a paparazzi crashing into her car. This policy limits the connection that media outlets and paparazzi have with celebrities.

This article from the Huffington Post further explains this law.

Immature Republicans Crippling Congress

The Republicans' latest strategy in congress to filibuster and reject anything and everything proposed by the Democrats, even if they agree with them, is immature and crippling to our democratic process. Both sides of congress must find some common ground and connect with one another or we'll have no hope for progress. I find it amazing that grown men are capable of immaturity levels comparable to those of high school students. I don't see any solution for this problem other than for the Republicans to grow-up, and stop being so stubborn and characteristically closed-minded. We have real problems right now, and this juvenile behavior is not helping.

California Prop 8 Affects Same-Sex Couples from Forming Connections...

Proposition 8 (or the California Marriage Protection Act) was a ballot proposition and constitutional amendment passed in the November 2008, state elections. The measure added a new provision, Section 7.5 of the Declaration of Rights, to the California Constitution. The new section reads:

“Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

Per our assignment: "Find a law or policy that exists (preferably in your area of interest) that affects people's ability to form connections with others."

The California Marriage Protection Act affects homosexual's ability to unite in marriage similar to heterosexuals. To Learn more about Proposition 8 from an unbiased perspective, click here.

Society and Their Views on Drunk Driving and Hit and Run

On Saturday night Feb. 13, 2010 a man had been at Folsom City Slickers Bar and went outside to his car were two men had jumped him. This man (in the picture above) was a 58 year old, who has heart coniditions and a pacemaker. He managed to get away and get into his car where once again he was pulled out and beat some more. He got away once again and got into his car where when he had backed up, he caught his attacker with his door and ran him over. This man drove off and went staight home (about three blocks way) and called 911. Now I live in the apartments that is right behind this bar. Trust me I have heard so many different stories about this. Plus I know this family, I have grown up with his sons, who I have known for over 15 years. My sister was there when all of this happen. To me, two laws come into play with this one. Was the man drinking and driving? And was this a Hit and Run? The article from the website News10, has alot of people talking. It is funny how someones horrible nightmear can get a bunch of people that don't know each other talking about the same thing. To me, I don't think either of these two laws come into play. If you are getting beat to all hell you have that right to get out of there any way possible. As for the hit and run part, I still think it was all self defence. Why would anyone stop when there were two men who already pulled you out of the car once? You wouldn't, you would keep on going to make sure you were safe. Its these laws that can really get people talking and even to get people fighting in some cases. To read about this story please click here

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

"The Pursuit of Happiness" has several meanings to me.The Bill of Rights gives us the freedom to express ourselves,make our own decision and to live the life that we wish to live.We are given many great opportunities to pursue our passions and to become who we truly want to be.I don't believe that happiness comes from money or fame or power.I think it comes from good friends and family and from leading a good life.The struggles that we go through to achieve what we want make us more grateful and through that we find our own happiness.Above is a quote from the show One Tree Hill about finding your way and not forgetting who you are.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happiness Synonymous With Freedom

I think the "pursuit of happiness" is a subjective idea. Every American has a different opinion about what happiness is. To me, happiness is being free; free to do what I want, when I want, as long as I don't impede on anyone else's freedom. Today, our society is governed by the ideals and traditions of what seems to be the majority, but these ideals often impede the freedom of those who's ideals differ. For example, I have no problem with every other American believing in a certain religion, but once their beliefs begin to govern how I live, I've lost my freedom.

Declaration of Independenca

To me the meaning of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has a lot to do with the U.S holiday that celebrates the signing of the declaration of independence Making us part of an independent colony. This would be Independence Day July, 4 I am talking about. This to me is the foundation of our vary ability to pursue any sort of an independence.

Monday, February 8, 2010

"What Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness Means To Me"

My feeling on life are; life is crazy! You get a million hands dealt to you and it is up to you to make the right choice. A lot of the time you may pick the wrong hand. For me, that is the story of my life. It is up to you to make those wrong hands right. When (like me) you have three kids, it is one of the hardest things to make sure you can show them the right way, so that they don't make the same mistakes you did.
As for what liberty means to mean; let just say "Thank God We Live In The U.S.A.!!" Thank you to all of those who are or have put their lives on the line to fight for our freedoms. Without you we would not have the freedoms that we all have today. To everyone out there my suggestion to you is, if you come across anyone that has or is fighting for all of those freedoms that we all take for granted, you should take the time out and say "THANK YOU!" It will only take a couple of minutes out of your time to do so. Cause remember with out them you would not have all of those freedoms you have today.

In the pursuit of happiness, mine and many others being a higher education. Obama has a new plan for student loans. As it was put in "The New York Times" an overhaul on student loans. His plan to help students receive more of the loan by not having to pay the banks. For the loan to come straight from the government and take out the middle man (meaning the banks). This was posted in the "The New York Times" on February 4, 2010. To read this please click here!!

In the photo on the left, The Education Secretary, Arne Duncan said " The lending industry's lobbying campaign has been anticipated."

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Yoga for Foodies

In a society where people are proving to be more health conscience than ever, newer and more advanced combination of exercise and nutrition are being created. A large following of "Yogis" are interested in a cleaner and healthier planet, body, and kitchen. Although a more nutritious diet is common for many Yogis, it is becoming increasingly more acceptable to eat meat, eat fatty foods, drink alcohol and still be tolerated in the Yoga Community. Years ago, yoga was strictly for vegans who are oftentimes found to be astrue. Mary Taylor, a Yoga teacher in Colorado, is teaching her students that it is acceptable and healthy for them to talk about food and cooking while preforming yoga. Yoga should be anything that is relaxing that opens one's senses. Chefs and yoga teachers are similar in that they take everyday actions such as eating and moving and slow them down for people to fully appreciate them. Yoga is one of my rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Each day I do it, I feel even more alive and happy.

Click HERE to visit the New York Times Page and read the full article.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness