Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, May 10, 2012

You have been an awesome professor and have taught me things I didn’t expect to learn in taking this class. Having to write this blog post and reflect on this semester has made me realize I learned more than I thought I had. This has been my favorite class to come to and I have felt so comfortable; that it has made for a more positive learning experience. The time always went by quickly and left me excited and looking forward to coming week after week. I have a 3 hour business class that compared to this one feels more like 6 hours and I can’t wait to get out and go home.
I have a broader and better understanding about the laws that govern us, our rights as humans, and the powers that make up our government. Learning about our rights and what it means to have those rights is an extremely important bit of knowledge that I don’t think is taught enough to us as we grow up. Without this knowledge it makes it hard to function in society.
Working in our blog groups was a fun and positive experience and where I learned and grew the most. Working with others and depending on and trusting them to do their part is a hard thing to do. Once we all started to get to know each other and everyone showed that we were each committed to putting in the work expected of us it got a lot easier. We
I learned so much in this area. Social skills and emotional intelligence factors are a major part in what shapes the communities, states and country we live in. Laws are created and influenced by social issues all the time and what cause a need for those laws.
When it comes to being part of society and co-existing with people it takes more than acquired book knowledge, You have to be savvy and cunning to influence and negoiate what you want. Just because someone looks smart on paper doesn’t make them smarter than the hustler who is a high school dropout. When going out in the world and trying to apply what they have learned from books you have to have be able to work with others and a lot of that comes from “street smarts”
Thank you for an enjoyable and positive learning experience this semester!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree I can't believe his class is already over! It was truly a great class that allowed us to interact with eachother, yet learn so much about law and the social aspects of society.
