Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Final Blog I would like to acknowldge that your class is the first class in my college career that I did not miss one class, the reason is because I was excited every week for the new information we would discuss. Episteme, I enjoyed reading the constitution, the last time I read the constitution was when I took government in highschool, which was over a decade ago. Therefore, it was new information. I enjoyed the way in which we learned the content in your class may differnet ways, through reading, video, and the news paper. This helped me retain the content. I enjoyed learning about differnt laws and right to bear arms. Techne, First, your class structure helped me learn how to use a blogging site, and how to email a spreadsheet. which I had no previous experience with before your class. I was the group leader which initially stressed me out. However, I adjusted quickly. I think I was codependent leader at first emailing people asking why they hadn't turned things in. Then after a couple weeks it was evident who was doing the work and who was not going to. I feel that I was able to accomplish a fear of mine in your class. I was able to allow my group to count on me to turn in there work if completed and leave the rest up to them. I definately learned new skills for working in a group. However I did find myself a little reserved. Which is differnt. Phronesis, I enjoyed watching the emotional life. Thank you for spreading it out over the semester. I was able to retain the information much easier than getting all the information at once. I think my group worked efficently with the free time at hand. I learned about compassion and acceptance, thanks to the emotional life. Metis, the NationState game was intersting and exciting. I apprecated how it was parallel to real life. The national disasters were like the curve balls we experience in real life. I found my self nervous and suspicous of everyone that was not in my group. I think the game help my group to bond and form comradery. It was interesting to see how each team handled it differently. Thank you!!

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