Signing of the Constitution 1787

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Final Blog

First of all I would like to thank Professor Ellerman, Andrew, and My Empire for probably one of the most entertaining, yet knowledgeable classes I have yet to take in my infinite quest for knowledge.

Pertaining to what I have learned in the class, I feel that with regard to Episteme I know have the knowledge of the constitution and laws to a greater level having actually researched it and writing my own Constitution.

 As far as Techne is concerned, I know now how to blog and use You Tube! I have learned so much from the video clips from class and have a greater understanding as how to use technology to my advantage.

Phronesis.... What can I say? Watching "This Emotional Life" no matter how outdated it was was to say the least educational. It really made me think about so many topics pertaining to relationships and interpersonal skills. I would have actually watched more of it, both in class and if I had the opportunity at home.

And finally Metis... To say the least the Nation State Game is cutting edge, and entertaining. This class gets so much "street cred" from me. I have taken other classes with Professor Ellerman that I have also thoroughly enjoyed. I would highly recommend this class to any of my fellow schoolmates.

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