Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, April 28, 2011


The game we are playing in class is pretty fun. It started off kind of confusing but it’s getting better. I just wish we had more time, I don’t see how we can get much accomplished with our nation with so little time. Especially now that all the prices of everything went up so high it seems really hard to have a desirable nation. The only things I would change about it are that we would start the game earlier in the semester and the prices were lower to buy things to make our nation more desirable. Also some people seem to be really competitive and are taking this game way to seriously and that just makes it stressful I just wish people could relax and just play the game. But other than that this is a fun class activity and it helps us all to get to know our classmates better and learn how to work well in a group. So overall I like this game it would just be nice if we had more time to play.

The Game (Dangit I Lost the game)

With the nation game I like the fact that we have to trade resources and cash for the things we want and need but I think that we should start off with more resources that way the game gets going faster. Also I think each group needs to have more votes, the way it is now I find it hard to see how there is going to be a clear winner. I love our nation and the way we are making our decisions were assertive not aggressive and I believe is working for us. Our country does have a foreign diplomacy policy and I believe it has worked out well for us so far. Over all I think Aipotu is a wonderful place to live and we might even have a real shot at winning, or at least making a country I wouldn't mind living in.

The Game

With the exception of the problems that we had on the first day of the game i don't see any rules or ideas that aren't working. Really the only thing that isn't working if the time constant, because we have so few classes to play the game its difficult to utilize some of the more expensive items.

Our country has thus far been using a series of strategic alliences and we have considered our allies when planing. So we're really a reactive country and i think this is a good strategy to have considering our go between nature of our alliances.

Overall i enjoyed playing the game and wished we could have started sooner.

Sleigh bells in the Snow!!!!!!!! In Aipotu

Well our Nation " Aipotu" is alive and well. We have built relationships with all Nations but one-Stephan.. something( seems a little like N. Korea) and are working with other nations building and trading to establish peaceful and prosperous lifestyles. We are not a pro active Nation... unless it comes to defending ourselves or our allies. Our decision making is by majority, making sure we address the minority opp ion. We did catch a lucky break this week and have already offered our allies assistance if and when needed. It is good to be here in Aipotu. Our people are pretty much self reliable and the take pride in having Integrity, Accountability, and Fun. Our form of correctional discipline is similar to other cultures by positive reinforcement for all but the most heinous of offences. I think we use some of the characteristics of a couple of different countries, Australia, Switzerland and the US. I think the Game could be improved by adding a little more time to stratagise and figure out a context, but this is fun "shooting from the HiP" Hope our aim is good!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


All over the world countries are invading each other, for many many reasons. Look at the situation with Libya and the U.S. In my opinion the only reason one country should invade another country is if an event in one country is going to negatively and extensively effect everyone. And even then this is not a decision to be made lightly. I believe that only a organization, like the U.N, with a vested interest in the welfare of every country and/or territories, should be the only power that can make such an enormous decision. When countries were allowed to invade each other willy-nilly we get things like World War I, the genocides in Africa, and the war in the Middle east. Very rarely does any good every come from an invasion and can have tremendous and horrible consequences if not thought through and considered carefully, not to mention they have to be done for the right reasons.

Invasion... When and Why?

Invading Foreign Countries Invading a Foreign Country in my belief, should only be considered when there is an immediate threat to our Constitution or the USA’s vital interests. We know the Constitution… but what are our vital interests? It seems as our planet continues to shrink, due to the global banking, global market place, internet, quicker and more frequent travel, our financial position has risen to the for front of our focus. Foreign governments that threaten or disrupt our financial agenda, quit often fall in our crosshairs. Some would say that these invaded countries are political targets… I question … how many political votes are coming from these countries? Understood that we have a military in strategic foreign countries that protect our vital interests and allies, but what makes these allies our allies? MONEY! Or a potential to make money to expand the US economy…result tax dollars. Our financial entities are intertwined with other governments and financial institutions so tight, that when a major Global Bank is threatened it has an effect on multiple Countries. Cut off the economic machine a country has and that country becomes dependant on the finical backer. HE WHO HOLDS THE PURSE STRINGS CALLS THE SHOTS! By Shane Kelly

when to invade

No government is perfect and because of that not every person who lives in a certain country will be happy with how it's ran. If the majority of people in a country are happy or at least content enough there will only be small groups who protest against the government or the specific polices that they disprove of. As a result the will be little or no change. However in a country like Libya where an ever growing group of people believe that the government or officials there of are abusing their power a revolt or up rising is almost assured. when this will occur is dependent on how much the people as a whole are willing to tolerate.

This brings me to when you should invade another country. The us has sent agents to Libya to investigate the unrest and taken action to prevent civilians from being injured. Is this invasion appropriate? In opinion i believe so. I believe that in cases where the government is committing mass destruction and murder against its citizens and there is an established relationship between your country and theirs such as a trading agreement or military alliance, you have a duty to mitigate that destruction. However if no relationship exists i think the only just reasons for invading another country are : being asked to intercede, or that country poses an immediate threat.


Deciding when it is appropriate to bomb another country is a very touchy subject for me. It seems like bombing other countries has never helped the USA. As for the current issue in Libya I can’t help but wonder if the real reason we are getting involved is because of their oil. I would like to have faith in our country and hope that we really are just trying to help the rebels and protect innocent citizens. If it is true that all we want to do is help these people and we are in fact saving thousands of lives, then I guess I would say we were doing the right thing. And that is it possibly the right thing to do. I believe that the only appropriate time to attack another country is only to save innocent lives. But I just don’t know if bombing other countries will save citizens. But I definitely hope we are doing the right thing and hope this doesn’t turn out like Iraq.

This clip is an interesting video of the members the UN discussing their decision to bomb Libya.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happiness or the pursuit of happiness is one of our Rights as Americans. "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". What exactly is happiness? A feeling, showing, or expressing joy; pleased ADJ. Good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy noun. I believe that happiness is feeling that can result from our actions or behaviors. As American citizens, our Constitution has a built in mechanism that allows us to pursue the individual things that brings us our personal happiness. That is FREEDOM. Freedom to think, say and live any way we choose. I watched this video and was amazed how simple and sensible it sounded. In the choices we make , I belief if we were to apply the wisdom expressed , we as a Society would live with more purpose and gratitude, thus decreasing the need for more institutions, or Governing bodies adding more laws to funnel us in a good orderly direction, slowly but surely limiting our Freedom. Remember … WE THE PEOPLE!

Shane Kelly Social Issues