Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Social Issues group in my Law & Society class came up with four principles that we thought to be the most important: responsibility, accountability, integrity, and fun. In my opinion these values are the path to happiness as a society and as individuals. If everyone fulfilled their responsibilities to themselves and those around them then there would be less fighting among people and more trust in each other. If every one was held accountable for their actions, this in theory would promote a higher standard of behavior. If everyone acted with integrity there would be no more lying and flaking out on people. And if people learned to live freely and have fun the world would be a more relaxed place. Over all I think these four principles, when applied to everyday life, would make things run much more smoothly and make people much much happier.

Picture for my sports post


Recently, a teacher of mine read our class a piece of greek leturature explaining the essence of happiness. Within the rhetoric it explained that happiness came from the logic of "a means to an end" meaning, in order to recieve happiness, you must first do the work at hand. Happiness is the final end through the means of work. Today, our country has been experiencing an economic crisis due to decisions made within the banking system. Along with the market, happiness has declined as well, leaving many depressed Americans with little hope for a better tomorrow. As more jobs close to eager unemployed workers, they cycle of depression takes over many people. To escape from this feeling, companies and particularly banks need to collectively cooperate and find a way to employ more workers withen their companies. If we cut off the "means" how will we get to the "end"?


I think happiness is a big goal in life. I think being successful helps in being happy. But i think having family and friends and a social life is where your happy the most. I think material wealth breeds greediness. I think it can only make you happy until you have all the money you want and nothing to live for. I think people need a companion in life instead of going through life alone.
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Resoponsibility , Accountability , Integrity and Fun

There are almost endless value's that a person, organization, or country can uphold. Ours has decided that Responsibility, Accountability ,Integrity and Fun.

To me Responsibility is living up to the duties or promise's that you have entered into.Accountability is accepting the results of your action's be they good or bad. Integrity is to take the moral high road when you are under no other obligation to. Finally Fun to me is following your interest's if there literature, sports,or politics.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Japan cracks down on manga

Tokyo has recently been questioning some of their domestic comic book companies becuase of the ethical and legal lines that they have crossed concerning the dipiction of nude under aged girls. The government in Tokyo has decided to restrict images like ones shown above becuase of the negatively provocative signals that it sends to their readers as well as satisfying a perverse attraction for pedifiles alike. Amung the three catagories of law( in the United States): ethical, civil and criminal, these disturbing images definately violate the ethical and civil rights of young women and will hopefully be amended throughout Japan to protect them on all three levels. To further the problem, Japan's lucrative Manga convention has been boycotted in many of the countries that had previously offered to host the event. Until necessary action has been taken, the convention will be stopped until proper laws have been ratified in Tokyo.

Tokyo Revises Laws Restricting Sexual Images of Young Girls

I found an interesting article on child pornography and sexually explicit images of young girls. The article talks about the steps Tokyo is taking to make the laws regarding sexually explicit ads featuring under-aged models as well as the publication and sell of Japanese anime/manga featuring under-aged sex. This is a very thought provoking bit of news for me because I myself am a young woman. I find it disgusting that this stuff sells and that it has taken Japan so long to do something about this horrible occurrence, but I think what angers me the most is the under-aged models or "junior idols." It is so awful that these girls are being exploited, because that is exactly whats going on. They are not old enough to understand the consequences of their actions they don't understand that this is going to haunt them for the rest of their lives and that to me is the worst part. I'm mean if young looking girls are what's hot it is perfectly possible to find a young looking woman old enough to understand the full implications of what she is doing. To me there is nothing lower than someone who would pray upon the innocence and naivety of a young girl. Reading about this made me want to go take a shower in bleach, repeatedly.

Toyko law change

I'm writing in response to the article concerning changing of child pornography laws in japan.I personally support the law change because i beilive that children and the potenial that they represent is of the greatst value to any country.

I belive that it is important to not be overally judgemental of other countries or people because of a differance in cultural values, but i'm glad that Toyko has made this cultural change.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tokyo's revised law to restrict sexual images of minors

I read the article in the new york times about tokyo finally making a law to restrict people from possession of child pornography. The article specifically talks about a certain comic book that has many images of under age girls doing sexual things. The comic book owner states that “To a degree, it has become socially accepted to lust over young girls in Japan,” Mr. Nakai said. “Condoning these works has meant more people have access to them and develop an interest in young girls.” Many of these girls arent even close to being legal! The article states that, "in the last five or six years, books and videos have emerged that feature girls, some as young as age 6, posing in swimsuits that stop short of full nudity. These models, who are paid about 200,000 yen ($2,400) a shoot!" So of course their parents let them do these shoots so they can get the money. This has been so accepted in japan that in decmeber the comic book had a fair that over 500,000 people attended (of all ages) with many comics that depicted adults having sex with minors that were on display for anyone to see or buy. Child pornography can lead to rape and murder. People that wouldnt normally think about child see this porn or "comic" and then my start to enjoy that sort of thing and it could lead to them wanting to have sex with a 12 year old! This is so disturbing to me, but i am thankful that japan is finally taking action about this. This new law will help stop this kind of porn to be published or banned from anyone to own or create.