Signing of the Constitution 1787

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mono Okeah's laws on right to die and abortion:

Right to die:

A civil! In our country, adult citizens must go to any of our right to die hospitals accompanied with their will where their wish must be noted and notarized. These facilities are funded through citizen taxes and insurance covers this proceedure.

Right to abortion:

A civil! In our country, women in their first trimester may choose to abort a fetus without questions. If at any time the pregnancy becomes a health concern for either the fetus or woman during any trimester, as indicated by a doctor, then an abortion is legal. There is mandatory sex education provided by schools and free contraception provided, no questions asked.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We're All On Our Way Somewhere

Right to die: This is a civil right that EVERYONE wants to have for themselves.
To prove it... Imagine that you have just been attacked by a crocodile and your injuries will lead to certain death, though it will take time to succumb to the wounds and the pain is beyond explanation. Nothing left to live for. No quality and no ability to even speak any last words due to the pain. No matter, politics, religion or fear, you would certainly beg for a compassionate end. That is all right to die is.
I have more to say on this subject, but it is close to my heart and I will have to revisit it. I just can't right now.
Right to abortion: Thank you to the men who support women's right to access a safe abortion. I just don't think it should be up for a vote. Both the right to a safe abortion (adding the clear need for free contraception and sex education that is aimed at promoting individual happiness and social responsiblity) and right to die are civil rights issues and shouldn't even be up for a debate because these issues are RIGHT and we should have the courage to stand by them.
Doing the right thing isn't always easy in a world that wants to make a statement about the SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE, while these same people support killing people for oil, the death penalty and YES, even PROLIFE. Interestingly, the sanctity of life ends once your born.


Personally I don't believe in abortion at all unless the mother was rape victim or if there are pregnancy complications where the baby or her would be in danger.I think that way to many teens use abortion as a way out and I think the baby shouldn't be aborted because the parents were being irresponsible.But then again everyone should have the freedom to make the choice themselves.Making the choice to abort the baby should definitely be make in the first trimester if that's the path someone chooses to go down.Waiting until later on in the pregnancy is completely irresponsible and no matter how you choose to think about it,it's murder.

Pulling the Plug

I believe that everyone has the right to live, and with this right to live, they have a right to death. If someone is terminally ill, in extreme pain, or in a vegetative state, they should be able to be killed peacefully. Oftentimes, families will decide not to pull the plug on a loved one who is terminally ill. It can be extremely hard to accept the fact that they are dying, but if someone is no longer able to live a peaceful life, artificially keeping them alive is not the answer. Who are we to tell terminally ill patients "It's not your time yet. If we give you a bunch of drugs, surgeries and keep you hospitalized, you'll be around for a few more months! You may still be in pain and probably a vegetable... but at least you'll be alive"?
My grandpa currently is having heart problems, as he has for many years, but has decided that he no longer wishes to go to the hospital for treatment. Laying in a small, white cell-like room, hooked up to a plethora of cords and tubes is not a decent way to live. My grandpa is spending his last months in the comfort of his own home, being cooked meals by his wifey, watching college football and basketball games, and puttering around as he always has. Props to Gramps!

Here is an article on "Pulling the Plug"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Opportunities For The Wealthy, supported by the poor

Life is full of opportunities and we know this because against all odds people do succeed. Not everyone mind you, but a handful of them do. So, is it a question of personal determination? Is it that they were lucky enough to be motivated and given direction by a mentor? I guess the real question is, were they in the right place at the right time?
The ugly truth is, plenty of people (even in this great country we live in) are disenfranchised by a system that was set up to fail. This land of opportunity has become a land of corporate greed with plenty of government support. There is a cycle of poverty that is consuming us and it continues to grow larger with each passing day. I cannot count the number of times that I have heard people say that, “all you have to do to succeed is simply pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” The image alone is ridiculous. You can’t physically pull yourself up by your bootstraps. This statement along with the image only serves as further proof that denial is not just a river in Egypt. It is a diversion tactic that works well, so I have seen. The fact of the matter is, there happens to be people in the world without bootstraps, much less boots and that saying suggests that we have the tools, but aren’t making use of them.
I know that I am not alone in the knowledge that funding for education continues to be cut and that alone scares the hell out of me. The best way to control people is to limit their access to a good education! This country is most definitely BY the people, is just isn’t FOR the people. Who is it for? … The top 1%, whose wealth leaves the other 99% of us in their dust. I understand that most of us have been tempted by the carrot that was dangled in front of us, that suggested we too could be wealthy if we worked hard enough, but that carrot no longer exists, unless you’re still hanging onto the hopes of winning the lottery. The disparage between the haves and the have nots, is so great that the haves will either have get the hell out of Dodge or invest in their country, in order to avoid the angry mob that WILL come after them. What do you think they’ll do? How many of those greedy bastards do you think have their own island already picked out? Everything has its end… and the end has begun. To prove it, we can no longer afford to buy the products that we used to make, because our jobs have been sent overseas in order to create an EVEN LARGER PROFIT for those businessmen who wanted more, even in the face of all that would be lost by those who have given their utmost for the most meager income.
Screw corporate welfare! The public welfare system is a drop in the bucket compared to the welfare we give to big business and what do they do with it? They misspend the people’s money and when their businesses fail, they pocket millions and go bankrupt only to start all over again AND they continue to do so with our money. We are so harsh and selfish towards one another, while at the same time, we accept a great deal of crap from the wealthy. Something that I have always been aware of, but never had confirmed until recently by someone I know (who happens to be on the other side of this argument) said to me, “There’s a secret that the wealthy use to control the rest of the population and that secret is to stir up conflict amongst the poor to keep them fighting one another while we’re running for the door with all the money.” We are such idiots not to see that. Does it make you mad? It should!
I know something else that I hope gets you thinking and spreads like wild fire… Our government, though they appear to run us, only do so because we have yet to grab hold of the reigns. They operate on OUR money, NOT on their own! The day WE decide to HOLD OUR TAX contributions RANSOM with a very clear and unified statement to our government that we have a set of demands that must be met before we will relinquish that money, then and only then, will we have the control. Our taxes are supposed to pay for those things that benefit our society as a whole. We have the right to say how our money is being spent. Please, talk about this with someone. Generate this conversation, regardless of where you stand on the issue. Get the opinion of an elder. What do you think the answer is? By the way, I don't mind being wrong. Having an opinion leads to a discussion and right or wrong, I care about what works and I know that what we have is not working... What I do mind is an unwillingness to think. I know we can do better.

Earth Day

"The earth was not given to us by our parents, it was loaned to us by our children."

As Earth Day rolls around, I got to thinking: How can I contribute to/celebrate this year? About 2,500 gallons of water goes into only 1 pound of beef! Recycling 1 aluminum can save enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours (or is equal to half a gallon of gasoline). By simply being more conscious of how we treat our planet and the resources that we are using, we can make Earth an even better place to live.

Disney's new Earth Day movie "Oceans" comes out tomorrow, and I can't wait to see it! Anyone else excited? I'm thinking I'll hop over after I see Date Night.

So far today, I walked to the grocery store with my mom (verses driving) and we picked up plastic bottles and other litter that we saw on the side of the trails. My ongoing act to stay "green" is being a vegan and I am at a little over 2 months now! Whoooo! There are so many little things that we can do in our daily lives that will greatly benefit the future of our planet. It sounds cliche, but even though it often feels like one person doing their part cannot make a big change in the world, if we work together to just do a little, we will see substantial results.

Earth Day Network is a fantastic tool for learning more about helping our planet.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Nation of Mono Okeah

Country: Mono Okeah

Motto: "A Unified Land of Opportunity"

Population: 50,006

The Constitution of Mono Okeah is the supreme law of the nation Mono Okeah. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of Mono Okeah and the federal government of Mono Okeah. It provides the framework for the organization of Mono Okeah's government and for the relationship of the federal government to the states, to citizens, and to all people within Mono Okeah.

The Constitution of Mono Okeah defines the three main branches of government: a legislature, the bicameral Congress; an executive branch led by the President; and a judicial branch headed by the Supreme Court. The Constitution specifies the powers and duties of each branch. The Constitution reserves all unenumerated powers for the respective states and the people, thereby establishing the federal system of government.

All positions of power are elected by the people of Mono Okeah through majority vote. The President can serve a 4 year term for a maximum of 3 terms and if death should occur, the Vice President will serve temporarily until a new President is elected. The position of Vice President is an assistant to the President and may serve as temporary President but will not automatically become President unless the people elect them into the position.

More to follow...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Elected on Friday, assassinated on Saturday

I like this song because of the reference to the expectation of a good president being assassinated soon after taking office. That's how you know you're on the right track; the bullets start flying. If you're not a threat to greed, you're not doing your job! That is why I believe a "CAREER POLITICIAN" could never be considered effective, because the only way to remain in the game is if you play both sides and therefore, create no change, just business as usual.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I thought that todays activity was a great idea and alot of fun.We had to really think about the puzzles and we got to brainstorm together to get the right answers.Working with the other groups to trade answers helped everyone out.Then our group kept our free cards till the end which i think was a good advantage.It also got me thinking about how many things I didn't know even if it was a really easy one but I just couldn't think of it at the time.It make me want to start doing the crossword puzzles i figure It's more productive than Facebook.

Get Rid of the Electoral College!

So many people have fought and even died fighting (in their own country and at the hands of those who are supposed to protect us, and they did so) for the right to vote and we who have made no such sacrifices have benefited from their efforts and yet, so many of us choose again and again, not to vote.
Many people feel (and are) disenfranchised by the process. I say VOTE ANYWAY and become involved by making your concerns and demands for a better process heard.
I can’t imagine that those people who choose not to vote believe that the outcome will be a good one. Or do the bastards think that the rest of us can do it without them? You know, one person = one vote. Knowing that the majority of us are in the same boat and should be able to vote for OUR benefit makes me happy… and then I remember two things that really piss me off. First, that damned carrot that has been dangled in front of us by the ultra wealthy. You know which carrot I’m talking about; the one that suggests that we have the chance to become wealthy, too. Most of us (even secretly) hope for this. Who knows, we could win the lottery! Greed drives us to vote in favor of the wealthy and against the poor (yes, against ourselves), because after all, we don’t want to have it hard once we become wealthy, too. Second, can you say ELECTORAL COLLEGE?
True… we have the right to vote and we vote for the president and vice president we want, but it’s just for show. We don’t choose who our president or vice president will be. Check it out if you don’t believe me: Article II of the Constitution section 1. Also, see the Twelfth Amendment. Lastly, the United States Code, Title 3, Chapter 1.
I think the Electoral College should be disposed of. Do you agree with me, or with the many people who think that we aren’t capable of making important decisions and should leave it to Congress, because after all, it’s just too much work?
How we have gotten this far is certainly not because Congress has looked out for our best interests. If you want something, you have to fight for it. If you don’t want to fight for it, just step back and stay out of it, but never step up with the attitude that voting to give away our rights makes you (in any way) patriotic.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

TOMS A Day Without Shoes

I think that this was a very good cause. I walked my day without shoes (and I walked my dog without shoes as well, so that is 6 feet right there). I think that TOMS recycled, vegan and earth-friendly shoes are a great way to support our planet. Not only are they great for the environment, but for every shoe that you buy, a pair also is given to a child in need. We, especially in America, often forget that it is a privilege to even have one pair of shoes. This day of a awareness helped to make many people realize just how hard it is to go all day without a pair of shoes on your feet. I know, by the end of the day, my feet were pretty much black and I had stepped on countless object, some of which even stuck to my feet. Shoes, although a vital part of hygiene, are often no where to be found in places such as Africa. This leads to many people with foot diseases and bacteria growth. So (not to sound like a commercial for TOMS) but buy a pair today and help out those in need! They are some of the most comfortable shoes I own.

Here is a link to an article about A Day Without Shoes.
Search & Seizure Policy:

"People have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, personal property, vehicles, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dude, it's now a bumper sticker!


I tried, but could not post this youtube video. Please take a look at this video called Bad Cop Caught On Tape. It is a disgusting example of how ridiculous and out of control law enforcement agents can become. If this son-of-a.... treated any one this way in front of me he would be very sorry.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Rough Run In

I watched the video Ten Rules, by CATO and got at least 82 minutes in before resigning to this blog. I want to say that I am delightfully surprised that this kind of work is not only being compiled and delivered, but promoted. I remember, not so long ago… it was not at all a topic for discussion; this organized, educated form of dissent. It does make me think of the type of training that would happen during the civil rights movement, so that good might come out of an unfair situation where the power was strongly tilted toward the law and away from the people. This really gets me fired up, in a happy way. It can be so frustrating to feel powerless and at the will of some jerk who just happens to be wearing a badge. I don’t dislike all cops! I take people on a case by case basis, but it just so happens that most of what I know both first and second hand of law enforcement agents is negative. So, I’ll share a traffic stop incident I had the great fortune to be involved in. I was pulled over by two motorcycle Highway Patrol Officers and I knew that they pulled me over for speeding, but this was the second time that I was pulled over in the same area for driving 10 miles over the speed limit “while passing.” As most of us know, it is permitted to exerlate your speed within 10 miles per hour to pass. Both times, I was clocked speeding with my turn signal on and while reentering the lane ahead of the car that I was passing. I explained politely the first time, which was my first ticket ever… for anything, and it was a no go. This time, both officers approached my vehicle on either side and right off the bat; just their walk said everything… I knew they were prepared to be arrogant. I did what Judge Billy Murphy said; I remained calm and put my hands on the steering wheel waiting for instructions. The officer said, “You know why I pulled you over don’t you!” “You were driving like a bad-out-of-hell and could have killed someone!” He actually went on a bit and I can't remember it word for word anymore, but it was worse. Okay, so then he asked for my ID and registration and I told him that I keep my cash and ID in my sock and asked if it was alright if I get it. He looked over to his co-cop and laughed out loud telling the guy, “Did you hear that, she keeps her ID in her sock!” Normally, I would never get so worked up, but I had been having major problems with my neck becoming disjointed causing great pain and this greatly limited my movements, at times completely. This of course did not put me in a good mood and as life altering as it was, the last thing I could possibly take was some power tripping ass thinking he could get away with insulting me. I said to him, “I put my ID and cash in my sock because of a physical disability I have that prevents me from carrying a purse” and then I cussed him out and told him that he was a disrespectful piece of ****. I was so irritated with him and his co-cop, who was pacing back and forth like I was in BIG trouble. I looked to the guy, who couldn’t have weighed more than
105 lbs and told him he didn’t scare me and that I certainly wasn’t afraid of someone the wind could blow over. He got a hella funny look on his face, walked back to his bike and that was the last I saw of him. The officer ticketing me told me I was only 10 miles over the speed limit and apologized for insulting me (even after I cussed him out). I know that I shouldn’t have, but the pain I was in and the frustration of being yelled at and insulted without ANY cause simply pushed me to a place I thought I was well above. Sharing this, I want to be clear… I know what is right, maybe more than most, but it is a lot easier to do the wrong thing under stress. For most of us, just being pulled over is insult to be followed by financial injury that is coming and that is stressful enough to get verbal. That is why I am so glad that we have all been given access to some information that can mean the difference between freedom and modern day slavery (aka: jail time). By the way, I did not go into any kind of detail in regards to how ridiculously animated these jerks were. P.S. I was still irritated after he apologized and I told him he was a punk ass ***** and to piss off, before I started my vehicle and left. I suppose the fact that the pain I was in, AND my knowledge of the absolute importance of remaining physically calm was part of the reason that he let me go without a fight. That and the knowledge that he was being filmed insulting me over a physical disability! Anyway, I do believe in speaking up for myself, but cussing the guy out went a bit far… even for me. If not in pain, I should not expect to go there again.


I read this article and thought it was a joke at first. I think sleepwalking would be funny to witness but this takes the cake. I do not know what would trigger waking up and binge eating a bunch of food. Maybe these people need to eat more during the day. How weird would that be to wake up to a bed full of crumbs from a cake that you cannot remember eating and a black eye from walking into the fridge door? I would be so pissed if I was a sleep-eater. I would be eating this delicious food but not be able to fully enjoy it. What's to blame? My guess is all the chemicals we put into our bodies from the food we eat to the pills and medication we take.

Here is the article from the New York Times

Study Finds More Woes Following Foster Care

In this article it talks about the problem with kids who turn 18 and "age out" of foster care.Most of which who get covicted of a crime or have kids who are getting some sort assistance from the public.Only 6 percent of them actually recieve a community college degree.They have no shoulder to lean on for help and guideness and as humans we all make mistakes except their mistakes tend to have greater consequences.As of now Illinois, New York, Vermont and the District of Columbia allow youths to remain in foster care to age 21.In 2008 the Congress passed a law providing matching money to states that extend foster care to the age of 21.