Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Is it okay for the drones to be ordered to kill U.S citizens without a trial? My opinion is NO! I believe that for any crime that are committed or going to be committed the person should be incarcerated and have a trial to decide what the punishment should be for that specific crime/crimes. I think that someone that commits a crime they should be held accountable for their actions and live out their life in prison (if that's what a jury decides) for as long as they are sentenced to. I think they need that time to think about what they did wrong and who was hurt in the process. In cases like child molestation, murder, or treason I think it is more so necessary for them to rot in jail with no choice but to think about their actions and what it has caused. I also believe they deserve whatever acts of violence they receive while in prison for what they had done.

I find this link very interesting as to how they are making the decisions on whether someone is "worthy" of being vaporized by a drone.

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