Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Arkansas Abortion Ban

Arkansas has put a ban on abortion not allowing it to happen after the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. The Supreme Court had limited abortions passed 24 weeks, and this new law is by far more strict. It is an extremely difficult topic, and there is definitely a lot of contoversy regarding it. To have to abort a fetus by twelve weeks is a very strict law, sometimes people do not even know that they're pregnant by then, so to make a law like this would then make it impossible for them to abort. I think that every woman has a right to choose what is best for her, and if abortion is the answer than so be it. I do I think there are alternatives to aborting, such as adoption, but that is just how I feel about it. I have no right to say whether someone should or should not abort, only they know what is going to be best for the lives at stake. I don't think that the government should truly be involved in the decision that a woman makes regarding herself and her life.

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