Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Is it okay for the drones to be ordered to kill U.S citizens without a trial? My opinion is NO! I believe that for any crime that are committed or going to be committed the person should be incarcerated and have a trial to decide what the punishment should be for that specific crime/crimes. I think that someone that commits a crime they should be held accountable for their actions and live out their life in prison (if that's what a jury decides) for as long as they are sentenced to. I think they need that time to think about what they did wrong and who was hurt in the process. In cases like child molestation, murder, or treason I think it is more so necessary for them to rot in jail with no choice but to think about their actions and what it has caused. I also believe they deserve whatever acts of violence they receive while in prison for what they had done.

I find this link very interesting as to how they are making the decisions on whether someone is "worthy" of being vaporized by a drone.

Arkansas Abortion Ban

Arkansas has put a ban on abortion not allowing it to happen after the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. The Supreme Court had limited abortions passed 24 weeks, and this new law is by far more strict. It is an extremely difficult topic, and there is definitely a lot of contoversy regarding it. To have to abort a fetus by twelve weeks is a very strict law, sometimes people do not even know that they're pregnant by then, so to make a law like this would then make it impossible for them to abort. I think that every woman has a right to choose what is best for her, and if abortion is the answer than so be it. I do I think there are alternatives to aborting, such as adoption, but that is just how I feel about it. I have no right to say whether someone should or should not abort, only they know what is going to be best for the lives at stake. I don't think that the government should truly be involved in the decision that a woman makes regarding herself and her life.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Strictest Abortion Ban in Nation

 Having an abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy is starting to be questioned and is being called “blatantly unconstitutional” by some. State Senator Jason Rapert (sponsor of the Human Heartbeat Protection Act) originally proposed setting the Arkansas ban even earlier, at about six weeks after a woman’s last menstrual period. I think that women should have the right to choose whenever they want. The law right now gives women the right to an abortion up to 24 weeks into pregnancy but I think women should have the right to an abortion at any time. Very few abortions take place real late in pregnancy, and there are plenty of serious medical reasons that may be why. Reasons can also include rape or incest, taking away women’s rights is against the law and shouldn’t be questioned. For example, the case of one woman having an abortion at 19 weeks “just because” shouldn’t change the law and protection of the millions of women that share the same right.
The “Human Heartbeat Protection Act,” is the first statewide victory for a restless emerging faction within the anti-abortion movement that has lost patience with the incremental whittling away at abortion rights. “The 12-week ban actually bars abortion within the first trimester,” said Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights in New York. “It has no chance of surviving a court challenge.” The new Arkansas law should not have any chance of survival in a court challenge and the law should not be messed with at all, women should have the right to an abortion up to 24 weeks. Its not like we are really talking about children either, parental consent is required for minors. A grown woman can make decisions for herself and how she wants to live.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Article 6 Process of passing laws

Should either of the presidents wish to pass a law or policy they must agree on a document containing the law or policy, then send it to the elected officials. If the elected officials disagree with the law or policy it shall not be passed. If the elected officials agree than the document is passed.

Should the elected officials wish to pass a law or policy they must write up a document containing the law or policy and vote. If the vote passes it is sent to the presidents. If the presidents agree than the document is passed. If they do not agree with each other the document is sent back to the elected officials with a reason why it should not be passed and the document will again be voted on by officials. If it passes than it is law.
Article 3: Taxation - middle

Article 1 Bill of Rights

Protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. As well as the rights to assemble and petition the government.
Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment.
Prohibits the denial of suffrage based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Protects an individual’s right to bear arms. 
Limits the powers of the federal  government to those delegated to it by the constitution
The right to amend or change the constitution at any point in time.

Articles 4 and 5 of the Consitution

Article 4 - Court Systems
Government Courts:
The two presidents will act as judges in supreme court and both must agree for a document, bill, amendment, etc to be passed or settled.
People's Court:
The peace president will act as judge for civil cases and enforce laws. Two others from the elected officials must act as a jury and decide the outcome. The plantiff and defendent will represent themselves and present their case.

Article 5- Limitations of Goverment officials
Presidential limitations
-The co-presidents will limit each other's abilities and actions
-Any disagreement of the co-presidents will go to the elected officials for them to make a decision on it.
Treasure Limitations
-The co-president Zach will watch over the treasurer and can limit their abilities and actions.
Ambassador Limitations
-The co-president Shelly will watch over the ambassador and can limit their abilities and actions.
Trade Limitations
-The ambassador Tor will watch over the trade official and can limit their abilities and actions.

Article #2 Elected Officials

The Elected Officials of Guerra e Pace are:

House of Presidents: War President-Shelly, Peace President -Zach

Treasurer: Deborah

Ambassador: Tor

Trade Official: Halie