"We ARE the People" "Awareness of Individual Rights" "Honesty" "Respect Personal Opinions"
Monday, May 16, 2011
In my humble opinion this class was amazing; both fun and educational, defiantly my favorite class. I learned a lot about the way law and society worked together or against each other. I learned about the philosophy of it as well as how much power we as a society have over our laws ( and it changed from less then I thought to more then I thought depending on the topic; mostly it was more than I thought though). I would have, however, liked to focus more on how the law and our society interact with each other. I learned how to affect and interact properly with the law. i would have like d to learn more about the mechanics of law making and perhaps the work behind passing a policy. This class also helped me learn to debate in a more polite and pleasant way and to be able to let some one keep their opinion no matter how wrong I know it is (a skill that comes in handy at my house). This class also helped me learn to argue better and to be able to express my thoughts in a way that gets the effect I want and it helped me learn to be much more diplomatic; which is just really a round-about way of me saying this class taught me to be a better manipulator. =) This class was by far my favorite class this semester and will probably be one of my favorite classes here period. I had a wonderful time and learned so many things and I want to thank everybody for this great experience.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
my last blog
I have attended Folsom Lake College (EDC center) for two years and Mr. Ellerman's class has been one of the most enjoyable but thought provoking classes that I have had yet. The mix of the philosophical law and everyday life made the three hours an easy time slot to fill.
The class started off in the same fashion as the questions. We learned about the science of the law in society through the metiphorical rhetoric of Plato. This wasn't the first time that I heard this story but it is one of my favorite pieces in college and I enjoyed talking about it. Also, we read the Constitution so we would be able to (as outstanding citizens of America) admit that we have read it. The second Greek word: Techne reminded me of the videos we watched about how our brains worked while corrosponding to another person. This connection played a significant role in hw we interpret the law and the well being of those around. This also led into our discussion of how we understand each others emotional feelings with brain functions like mirror neurons. Being able to connnect with other people and figuring out how to communicate effectively is an important piece in law and society. I enjoyed the drawing and explanation videos very much and I would like to promote those for the next class. The last term, metis, was revealed in our nation state game, when the group Atlantis jumped on the opportunity to recieve numerous resources from Andrew. This was a perfect example of using their " street Smarts" to their advantage. Overall, I enjoyed this class and I liked the group assignment for the most part. Having to sdjust to our members was tough at first but was worth it in the end at the celebration.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Thank you !
Friday, May 13, 2011
For episteme I recall the videos on mirror neurons and other brain functions. The science of mirror neurons clearly shows our physiological link to one another. It demonstrates that we as humans are meant to understand each others joys and sorrows. I think that and the other information on how human behavior develops through a life time is some thing important to keep in mind when developing policies.
For Techne I think of the blog assignments and developing our nations. In both activities we as individuals have work and must work together. Since no aspect of human life is truly a singular activity this learning to work together toward a common goal is an important one. Also many of us in the class have never blogged before, and acquiring this ability to DO this certainly fits in to Techne.
For Phronesis I think of our nations once again. To be More specific the nation state game. While we were each given the same task each of our nations approached this in very different ways. My nation begun by forming alliances, which would prove critical as the game progressed. What lead to these very different tactics was each individual and the unique personality that they possessed. Though our groups each wrote clear treaties there was no punishment to breaking them. Even when other groups attempted to buy our favor we stuck to our treaties. There was no logical reason to, accepting the buy out would have helped us to achieve our goals. The reason we up held them was for ethical and emotional ones. We understood what our desertion would cost our allies.
Metis is the most challenging. How would one go about teaching cunning, or street smarts. The best example I can find is the way in which we can apply the knowledge we have gained from each of the above. That our understanding of human behavior, practiced social skills and the capability to do something with them. Perhaps those of us with less understanding and whom are willing to observe and learn could acquire this knowledge from the interaction with others. No two student are identically knowledgeable. Some will have more of this type of knowledge then others. Even with this though I find metis the least covered by this class though understandable so. I found the other knowledge’s well cover
Final blog
Episteme- I really enjoyed Professor Ellermans approach at teaching us laws. He had us watch informational videos about what to do in a court and what to do when you have an encounter with a cop. The videos were sometimes funny which made them interesting to watch. Now I know more about my rights and how to handle myself in sticky situations.
Techne- This class definitely helped me become more computer savvy. I have never blogged before and I rarely ever do much on the computer other than research and email. So this class was very useful for me. I now know how to blog and upload pictures, videos, and links.
Phronesis- I learned a lot about how to work as a group and I really enjoyed getting to know my classmates. I also enjoyed watching videos about other social issues such as Asbergers syndrome, raising children and complications in relationships and how to get over them.
Métis- This makes me think back to the videos on how to deal with a police encounter, how to handle the situation and what not to do. Also that you can't always trust every cop but I still believe that most of them are trying to help but of course there is always a bad egg. Also I enjoyed the funny video of Chris Rock telling us how to talk to cops. I love that Mr. Ellerman has such a good sense of humor.
Overall I really enjoyed this class and plan to take more classes from Professor Ellerman. I just wish he taught more of the ones I need. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher! And it was nice meeting everyone.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
National Anthem
If I were a true human being-that is what I truly want to be
Because if I were a true human being- you would live-in atopia with me
All or people are accountable-threes a sense of responsibility
And if you were to breech this code of conduct- you would have to sing this song singularly
Not everyone understands our nations motives- some say that ignorance is bliss
But if you’re living in atopia-it’s guaranteed there is nothing you would miss
All the people live in harmony-the thought of conflict doesn’t exist much
But if you take an aggressive poke at us-you will sure feel our mighty touch
Integrity is the backbone of society-there no need to lie or cheat
Cause everyone is honest and has morals-atopia is the place that can’t be beat
A reflection On the nationstate game
The nation state game is interesting for a verity of reason. It is clearly a very complex game. It took a lot of statigic trading with the city states to get all the items we wanted for our national projects. Though we were at the receiving end the of the only nuke in the game I am very proud of my group. We still manged to accomplish two out of three of the national projects we wanted. This is thanks in part to the recovery abilities build into the game and because of our alliance with other nations. Both of which I think make excellent reflections on the real world. How often do we lend aid to our allies or support to countries like Japan or Haiti after a natural disaster.
What I wish most though is that we had started this new version of the game much sooner, Its a perfect illustration of how government and foreign policy work in the real world. So its a shame we only used such a useful learning tool for how long we did. All in all though I'm glad that we could use it.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The game we are playing in class is pretty fun. It started off kind of confusing but it’s getting better. I just wish we had more time, I don’t see how we can get much accomplished with our nation with so little time. Especially now that all the prices of everything went up so high it seems really hard to have a desirable nation. The only things I would change about it are that we would start the game earlier in the semester and the prices were lower to buy things to make our nation more desirable. Also some people seem to be really competitive and are taking this game way to seriously and that just makes it stressful I just wish people could relax and just play the game. But other than that this is a fun class activity and it helps us all to get to know our classmates better and learn how to work well in a group. So overall I like this game it would just be nice if we had more time to play.
The Game (Dangit I Lost the game)
With the nation game I like the fact that we have to trade resources and cash for the things we want and need but I think that we should start off with more resources that way the game gets going faster. Also I think each group needs to have more votes, the way it is now I find it hard to see how there is going to be a clear winner. I love our nation and the way we are making our decisions were assertive not aggressive and I believe is working for us. Our country does have a foreign diplomacy policy and I believe it has worked out well for us so far. Over all I think Aipotu is a wonderful place to live and we might even have a real shot at winning, or at least making a country I wouldn't mind living in.
The Game
With the exception of the problems that we had on the first day of the game i don't see any rules or ideas that aren't working. Really the only thing that isn't working if the time constant, because we have so few classes to play the game its difficult to utilize some of the more expensive items.
Our country has thus far been using a series of strategic alliences and we have considered our allies when planing. So we're really a reactive country and i think this is a good strategy to have considering our go between nature of our alliances.
Overall i enjoyed playing the game and wished we could have started sooner.
Sleigh bells in the Snow!!!!!!!! In Aipotu
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Invasion... When and Why?
when to invade
No government is perfect and because of that not every person who lives in a certain country will be happy with how it's ran. If the majority of people in a country are happy or at least content enough there will only be small groups who protest against the government or the specific polices that they disprove of. As a result the will be little or no change. However in a country like Libya where an ever growing group of people believe that the government or officials there of are abusing their power a revolt or up rising is almost assured. when this will occur is dependent on how much the people as a whole are willing to tolerate.
This brings me to when you should invade another country. The us has sent agents to Libya to investigate the unrest and taken action to prevent civilians from being injured. Is this invasion appropriate? In opinion i believe so. I believe that in cases where the government is committing mass destruction and murder against its citizens and there is an established relationship between your country and theirs such as a trading agreement or military alliance, you have a duty to mitigate that destruction. However if no relationship exists i think the only just reasons for invading another country are : being asked to intercede, or that country poses an immediate threat.
Deciding when it is appropriate to bomb another country is a very touchy subject for me. It seems like bombing other countries has never helped the USA. As for the current issue in Libya I can’t help but wonder if the real reason we are getting involved is because of their oil. I would like to have faith in our country and hope that we really are just trying to help the rebels and protect innocent citizens. If it is true that all we want to do is help these people and we are in fact saving thousands of lives, then I guess I would say we were doing the right thing. And that is it possibly the right thing to do. I believe that the only appropriate time to attack another country is only to save innocent lives. But I just don’t know if bombing other countries will save citizens. But I definitely hope we are doing the right thing and hope this doesn’t turn out like Iraq.
This clip is an interesting video of the members the UN discussing their decision to bomb Libya.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Happiness or the pursuit of happiness is one of our Rights as Americans. "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". What exactly is happiness? A feeling, showing, or expressing joy; pleased ADJ. Good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy noun. I believe that happiness is feeling that can result from our actions or behaviors. As American citizens, our Constitution has a built in mechanism that allows us to pursue the individual things that brings us our personal happiness. That is FREEDOM. Freedom to think, say and live any way we choose. I watched this video and was amazed how simple and sensible it sounded. In the choices we make , I belief if we were to apply the wisdom expressed , we as a Society would live with more purpose and gratitude, thus decreasing the need for more institutions, or Governing bodies adding more laws to funnel us in a good orderly direction, slowly but surely limiting our Freedom. Remember … WE THE PEOPLE!
Shane Kelly Social Issues
Thursday, March 31, 2011
In any world and in all cultures we all strive to achieve happiness. We may go about it in may different ways but the goal is always the same: to be happy with our selves and our lives. It's the government's job to pass laws that help in the pursuit of happiness but unfortunately this is not an easy task as everyone has a different version of happiness. This does not stop us from making them try. If there was one policy that I would pass in the island of Aipotu in an attempt to help people be happier it would be to allow for more government sponsered (not run though) social entertainment opportunites. By this I mean the govenment would pay for things like city parks, amument parks, picnics, and conserts, and so on and so forth. It would attempt to include options for everyone and if a person thought an event should be sponserd the could petition the government. These events would be acesiable to all through free public transportation and free or insanely cheap admissions. This would allow people to interact and for m strong connections with those around them as well as forming a sense of kinship with their neighbors and country men. Helpful to the people as well as the government. Now there are many many other ways for a government to help raise the happiness of its people but I believe this is a good way to do something for everyone. Plus it just sounds fun.
To think of only one thing to make our society happier is really hard for me because a million things come to mind. But if I had to just pick one I guess I would look at what kind of people seem to be the happiest and I think the happiest people are childern. If only adults could just take a step back and slow down their busy lives they would be alot happier. I think the root of this problem is that people are usually raised to believe that they are supposed to always be busy and they have to go to college full time and then work full time to pay for it all and then they usually end up unhappy at a boring job because they make more money at that job. I wish there wasnt so much pressure to make lots of money. Then maybe people can get a job that they actually enjoy doing even if they dont make alot of money. I think this kind of thinking should be taught in schools. Quotes like "do what makes you happy" and "money is the root of all evil" were said for a reason. I think that if more money was given to schools and teachers were paid more then more people might actually want to teach and the teachers might try harder to help there students succeed. Then that would make the students happier. Also I think there should be more available grants for students so more people can go to school and not have to work full time and they can have a little more time for themselves and I guarantee they would get better grades and enjoy school. Again if people can just have sometime to slow down and have free time to do what they want and use their imaginations, be social and go OUTSIDE once in a while like their children do then they would be happy. Adults need to take advice from children.
My policy
my policy would be to remove hormonal contraceptives as a birth control. The reason i would do this is because these types of medication while very effective birth controls maybe having adverse social results. These medications trick the body into thinking it is already pregnant so any fertilized eggs are rejected.This great for birth control but it can also influence woman's behavior. For example when a woman is looking for a mate one of the criteria she is subconsciously checking is if he has a varied immune system from hers so any children would receive protection from both.However when pregnant woman prefer to be around people with similar immune systems such as family or even friends. my suggestion is that these woman are selecting partners who are incompatible mates because of subconscious signals that are or aren't present because their bodies believe they are pregnant.
If I could only choose one thing to change about our society in a way that increases our happiness as a whole, I would start with the accountability of parents and their ability to raise smart healthy and "happy" children. After finishing the video we watched in class, I gained a better understanding of how much your relationship with your parents affects your life. Building a strong foundation with your child is the most crucial role any parent can fulfill. The way we interect and converse with our parents gives us our perspective on how to deal with the outside world and others around us. Too many parents today are ill-equipped and unsure about how to raise their children. The worse reality for our children would be watching them struggle at reaching the same opportunities as the next, when it could be prevented by caring for them in the correct and natural way. What I would suggest is that our government finds funds in whatever department necessary to help reach out to parents and children so that our country would have a brighter future and a more comfortable feeling when the new generation comes into power. Happiness is asocciated with money and reputation but most importantly with the bonds we make with our peers and parents. Finding a way to help them grow into successful people would be one of the smartest investments our country has ever made. The youth is our future and we should make sure that we can teach as many as we can to solve the problems of tomorrow. This would in turn create happiness for everyone who follows, financially and socially.
Aipoia Search and seizure policy
The nation of Aipota Search and Seizure Policy is the same as here in the United States as guaranteed in our 4th Amendment. It shall include The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Included in this policy is an accountability factor directed at law enforcement officers for misconduct. Law enforcement is to be held accountable to a jury which consists of 12 Jurors, 6 are peers and 6 are civilian. Conviction will come at 2/3 majority. The only circumstance for unlawfully breaking the 4th Amendment is if there is an immediate threat to life.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Greetings from “AIPOTU”
First of all our Countries name is AIPOTU… And our motto is… Live and let Live!
We will establish a governing body based upon a Democracy. It will be a three branch Democracy …Judicial, Legislative and Executive. We decided to act as stewards or servants to and for the population. As for our Authority, we shall try to run our Society much the same way our current Society in the U.S. is run but with a few changes. We will limit terms of Service; add a free Health care plan, set up a capitalistic economy with no way to monopolize any industry. We will set up a trade network with other nations to achieve abundant resources. Each and every conflict will be dealt with on an individual basis to determine what proper course of action should be taken.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Capital punishment process
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Capital Punishment
purpose: restibution and deterence. The death penalty is used to give justice for the vicitms family (eye for an eye). Kind of away to show that the murder won't get away with what they have done. The death penalty is also used to deter people from commiting crimes deamed worthy of the dealth penalty.
A lot of people argue that the death penalty is inhumane. Some people argue that the inmates that undergo exucution suffer to much and its uncomfortable for them. Here is a Video on the drug they use during lethal injection and how the FDA really isn't stepping up to try and help out the inmates undergoing lethal injection, so six inmates sue the FDA. I find this video rediculous. Inmates sueing the FDA, they gave up their rights when they commited their crimes.
Capitail Punishment midterm
The very first recorded case of capital punishment was in 1608, in the colony of Jamestown, Virgina. Captain Gorge Kendall was hanged for being a Spanish spy. Since the capital punishment has had a long and colorful history filled with controversy. For instance, since 1976 the death sentence has only been giving for crimes directly connected to murder. Here are the Aggravating factors for the Death Sentence in California:
(1)The murder was especially heinous, atrocious, cruel, or depraved (or involved torture)
(2)The capital offense was committed during the commission of, attempt of, or escape from a specified felony (such as robbery, kidnapping, rape, sodomy, arson, oral copulation, train wrecking, carjacking, criminal gang activity, drug dealing, or aircraft piracy)
(3)The murder was committed from a motor vehicle or near a motor vehicle that transported the defendant
(4)The defendant committed or attempted to commit more than one murder at the same time
(5)The defendant killed the victim while lying in wait
(6) The murder was committed for pecuniary gain or pursuant to an agreement that the defendant would receive something of value
(7) The murder was committed to avoid or prevent arrest, to effect an escape, or to conceal the commission of a crime
(8) The defendant has been convicted of, or committed, a prior murder, a felony involving violence, or other serious felony
(9)The victim was a government employee, including peace officers, police officers, federal agents, firefighters, judges, jurors, defense attorneys, and prosecutors, in the course of his or her duties
(10)The victim was an elected or appointed official or former official of the federal government, or local or state government, and the killing intentionally prevented the victim’s official duties
(11)The murder was committed against a witness, a potential witness, or a family member of a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding to prevent the witness from appearing, or for revenge
(12)The victim was killed because of his or her race, color, religion, nationality, or country of origin
(13)The defendant committed treason
This link is for some of the case that led to Supreme Court cases pertaining to the Death Penalty.
Some famous cases where the defendant was given a death sentence in chronological order. I have listed date of execution, conviction, method of execution and a few interesting facts pertaining to the case.
July 7, 1865 Mary Surratt
Convicted of taking part in the conspiracy to assassinate Abraham Lincoln.
Method of execution: Hanging
Interesting Details:
· First woman to be executed by the US government.
· Many people believed the hanging was too severe a punishment.
· The jury filed for a stay of execution two minutes after Surratt died.
June 19, 1953 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Convicted of espionage and treason for selling top secret A-bomb plan s to the Russians.
Method of execution: Electric Chair
Interesting Details:
· Many people were convinced they were wrongly convicted.
· Ethel Rosenberg had to be electrocuted twice.
· This crime did not have a direct link to any murder.
January 24, 1989 Theodore Bundy
Convicted of the murder of Lisa Levy, 20, Margaret Brown, 21 and the assault of three other women that night. Convicted of the kidnap and murder of Kimberly Leach, 12.
Method of Execution: Electric Chair
Interesting Details:
· Suspected of killing over 100 women.
· Claimed to have killed at least 30 women.
· Was the reason the term “serial killer” was coined.
· Given 3 separate death sentences.
No Execution Date Set, Scott Peterson
Convicted of killing his wife, Laci, and their unborn child.
Method of Execution: Lethal injection
Interesting details:
· Huge controversy over the case.
· Almost as big as the OJ trial.
As of 2009 thre are 3,173 death-row inmates in the united states prison system
By Shane Kelly
Midterm: Capital Punishment
Capital punishment is a very touchy subject for most people. There are many pros and cons to it; I’m going to talk about the pros. A lot of people worry about the fact that we could possibly be putting an “innocent person” to death, but the fact that it takes sometimes 20+ YEARS and MANY appeals are made through different courts, and different jurors all review the case and then if they all decide that this person deserves to be put to death then it seems highly unlikely that they are innocent. Another reason people have a hard time dealing with the death penalty is because people have a hard time dealing with death all together, it’s a huge and difficult decision, but the United States does NOT put nearly as many murderers to death as the murders do themselves. According to some statistics I found from 1998-2008 the United States put 775 murders to death and in that same time those murderers killed 1591 innocent people. (Not including people that those murders could have killed and got away with.) That means there are at least twice as many innocent victims than murders being put to death. So people may start to feel remorseful towards that murder but that murder was not remorseful to his/her victims. As for the costs of the death penalty it is true that it costs more per year to use the death penalty because of all the court dates and appeals, BUT to keep that murderer alive for sometimes 40 or 50 years (depending on their age) will ultimately be more expensive in the long run.
Cost Statics:
Cost of Life Without Parole: Cases
Equivalent To Death Penalty Cases
1. $34,200/year (1) for 50 years (2), at
a 2% (3) annual cost increase, plus
$75,000 (4) for trial & appeals = $3.01 million
2. Same, except 3% (3) = $4.04 million
3. Same, except 4% (3) = $5.53 million
Cost of Death Penalty Cases
$60,000/year (1) for 6 years (5), at
a 2% (3) annual cost increase, plus
$1.5 million (4) for trial & appeals = $1.88 million
Same, except 3% (3) = $1.89 million
Same, except 4% (3) = $1.91 million
Thursday, March 10, 2011
why hate speech shouldn't be illegal
As humans we have all heard and said things that where cruel and often hurtful. How ever thankfully we live in a society where that is allow and sadly sometimes encouraged. Even in a democracy such as ours the people in power determine the laws, and because of these those people have the power to create laws that favor them(though this power is far more limited in a democracy then other forms of government). Free speech allows us to further limit this through the power of mural knowledge. By placing a limit on free speech, even in an attempt to save others harm, opens a doorway better left closed. It sets a precedent that there are limits to our speech and over time clever and morally questionable people will continue to silence our collective voices until we can longer object to their demands and selfish desires. The power of speech is great and in the wrong hands it can be devastating, which you can see here. However we should never silence those voices because in doing so we move closer to silencing our own.
Free Speech
I've always been a strong believer of the freedom of speech until I learned about the Westboro Baptist Church I guess I didn’t realize how far people would take their freedoms. Westboro Baptist Church (picture above) has an extreme view of freedom of speech these church people have been holding up these horrible signs at military funerals and upsetting their families. I don’t understand why they are attacking against the military so bad about gay people. One upset father commented on the fact that his son wasn’t even homosexual so he didn’t understand why they were protesting at his son’s funeral. Although on the other hand I am thankful to be able to express my opinion without repercussions. I feel that we should still have freedom of speech even though it can deeply hurt someone. It would be nice if freedom of speech could be limited. People need to learn how to respect one other and try to express your feelings in a way that doesn’t hurt other person especially in this case. I don’t think its right that these people can protest so close to these funerals they are not helping their case they are only hurting people and making people angry. We have enough negativity in the world. Let people grieve in peace! Below is a link to the Daily Show to see what John Stewart has to say on the matter:
As for John Galliano I think his comments ended up hurting himself more than anyone else. He ended up ruining his career and made a lot of people angry at him no one will want to work with him after this. Hopefully he has learned his lesson.
Free Speech
The Freedom of Speech
free speech
image here
Friday, March 4, 2011
legal implications on abortion.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Costs of higer education
A college education has moved away from being a luxery item to beign a requirement for most employment in the US( with its heavily service based economy), but the price of attaining the every more curcial education continues to rise.
Between 2002-2003 the cost of tuition rose as much as 23% in some states and no lower then an estimated 5% in others(most rose about 6-10%). Tuition rates rose again in the 2006-2007 year raising as hig as 27% in some areas.
The reason that this continuing raise in cost is troubling is because majority of finacial aid recived by students is through loans, more then half for most students. Along with the fact that the amount of money gaduating students can make has not growen to reflect the increase, leaving the students in an ever increasing deficet.
Marriage should be between a man and a woman?
I read an interesting article on a random website (Kansan.com link above) about gay marriage. It talked about the new federal law that president Obama signed on February 23rd. President Obama is the first president to finally "announce that his administration would no longer be supporting the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as only being between a man and a woman and allows states to reject same-sex marriages from other states." Personally I am so happy about this new federal law. This new federal law will support any state law that allows homosexuals to get married so now a homosexual may have to travel to get married but at least they can legally be married in any state. I am a believer of equality for all and absolute freedom. I don’t understand why people feel the need to judge one another and why people care so much about how other people are living their lives. Anyone can be judged and told they aren’t living their life "correctly." There are so many worse things in the world for people to worry about than worrying about gay people having the right to be married. There are a lot of married couples that shouldn’t be married why are they not judged? I am sure I will be judged for expressing my opinion but I guess that’s just part of life. I am proud of our president for being true to what he believes in even though it may cost him a few votes.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
look here
Resoponsibility , Accountability , Integrity and Fun
There are almost endless value's that a person, organization, or country can uphold. Ours has decided that Responsibility, Accountability ,Integrity and Fun.
To me Responsibility is living up to the duties or promise's that you have entered into.Accountability is accepting the results of your action's be they good or bad. Integrity is to take the moral high road when you are under no other obligation to. Finally Fun to me is following your interest's if there literature, sports,or politics.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Japan cracks down on manga
Tokyo Revises Laws Restricting Sexual Images of Young Girls
I found an interesting article on child pornography and sexually explicit images of young girls. The article talks about the steps Tokyo is taking to make the laws regarding sexually explicit ads featuring under-aged models as well as the publication and sell of Japanese anime/manga featuring under-aged sex. This is a very thought provoking bit of news for me because I myself am a young woman. I find it disgusting that this stuff sells and that it has taken Japan so long to do something about this horrible occurrence, but I think what angers me the most is the under-aged models or "junior idols." It is so awful that these girls are being exploited, because that is exactly whats going on. They are not old enough to understand the consequences of their actions they don't understand that this is going to haunt them for the rest of their lives and that to me is the worst part. I'm mean if young looking girls are what's hot it is perfectly possible to find a young looking woman old enough to understand the full implications of what she is doing. To me there is nothing lower than someone who would pray upon the innocence and naivety of a young girl. Reading about this made me want to go take a shower in bleach, repeatedly.
Toyko law change
I'm writing in response to the article concerning changing of child pornography laws in japan.I personally support the law change because i beilive that children and the potenial that they represent is of the greatst value to any country.
I belive that it is important to not be overally judgemental of other countries or people because of a differance in cultural values, but i'm glad that Toyko has made this cultural change.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tokyo's revised law to restrict sexual images of minors
I read the article in the new york times about tokyo finally making a law to restrict people from possession of child pornography. The article specifically talks about a certain comic book that has many images of under age girls doing sexual things. The comic book owner states that “To a degree, it has become socially accepted to lust over young girls in Japan,” Mr. Nakai said. “Condoning these works has meant more people have access to them and develop an interest in young girls.” Many of these girls arent even close to being legal! The article states that, "in the last five or six years, books and videos have emerged that feature girls, some as young as age 6, posing in swimsuits that stop short of full nudity. These models, who are paid about 200,000 yen ($2,400) a shoot!" So of course their parents let them do these shoots so they can get the money. This has been so accepted in japan that in decmeber the comic book had a fair that over 500,000 people attended (of all ages) with many comics that depicted adults having sex with minors that were on display for anyone to see or buy. Child pornography can lead to rape and murder. People that wouldnt normally think about child see this porn or "comic" and then my start to enjoy that sort of thing and it could lead to them wanting to have sex with a 12 year old! This is so disturbing to me, but i am thankful that japan is finally taking action about this. This new law will help stop this kind of porn to be published or banned from anyone to own or create.