Signing of the Constitution 1787

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Thing We Call Freedom of Speech

So our 5th Amendment right is to freedom of speech, Right? So now I guess this is where I get to have my say so in the freedom of knowing I can say whatever I want to. This picture up here is a picture off of the a website to "The WestBoro Church." You may hate what I have to say but I get to do it anyways. I am sorry but to have these children up here with signs like this is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. I don't see how people, don't see by having our children involved in things like this, the hate cycle just goes, and goes, and goes. It really pisses me off to see that you have to use children to try and get your bull sh** message across. For this "So called church" (I'm sorry I never read in the bible that god pretty much hates everyone but these assholes) to go to a funeral and put up signs saying "GOD HATES FAGS" and whatever else they put up is just crazy. I don't see how they don't see that a family member's have just lost a love one and that being hard in itself, you have to add to the stress of this and act like a complete jerk. ( Well in nicer words than I would like to use since this is for a class project ) Here is the link to these dumb ass people so you can see for your self I am not making this up. Please click here

1 comment:

  1. You freaking rock! I loved your post. Well, here's to freedom of speech, right? That bothers me in a huge way, that those ingnorant s.o.b.'s have their kids spreading (THEIR) hate, for them. But, isn't that the "tried and true" way of spreading hate, through children. Get 'em while their young. You don't want to wait until they've made up their own minds before you tell them how to think! The only way to (somewhat) balance the issue is to have your side be heard. Well, I heard you loud and clear. Good job.
