Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I feel that a mentor just falls into your hands from chance. In my experience with people that I've talked to and what I know, you gain a friendship either through work or school. You get a bond by working with that person and come to realize that this person is guiding you, someone that your looking up to and before you know it this person is someone that you rely on. You would be able to go to that person and they wouldn't expect anything in return. I have personally never had a mentor, however, I look forward to either having the opportunity of having one, or being one myself someday.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, one day a mentor will find you. I didn't have very much luck finding one when I started my career. However, by showing that I had what it took to do the job and trying to do even more than was required, I gained the respect I felt I deserved. My managers selected me for several awards and commendations that really helped me get promoted before the other people I worked with.
