Signing of the Constitution 1787

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Finding a mentor can happen multiple times throughout ones life. Finding one can also happen a matter of ways. Making yourself known is the first step, especially to whomever you chose to be your mentor. Getting them to help you is after you established some type of relationship with this person, getting to know them and them getting to know you. Once a relationship is established there is trust and similarities that get realized and then one may dedicate time and energy into helping you. Sharing similarities can help because then it may take less convincing in order to have this person mentor you. 


  1. I do agree that a person can have several mentors during his/her life. A person can even have several mentors at once. I just disagree a bit with the fact that a person choses a mentor. I think it happens mostly the opposite way.

  2. I agree with this too and I think it's best to have more than one mentor. Different people as mentors gives you people with different advice and may be able to help you in different ways. I think it can happen either way with choosing a mentor and them choosing you to mentor whether meaning to or subconsciously.
