Signing of the Constitution 1787

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Our Nation State

before last Thursday I thought our nation was doing really well.  Until that is that  I sat down at the War Table and saw the amount of law points that the other nations had.  We were well behind most nation's, which is expected just like the real world nations prosper by trade not Isolation.  Our leaders need to get together and come up with a new strategy and we need to be more proactive.  This is kind of hard because we are The Empire for f*@k sake so How willing to work with others can we be.  We really only can have one goal and that is to Rule The Galaxy!


  1. Ruling the galaxy will keep you busy that is certain. Our group writes laws to keep from bickering and fighting amongst ourselves. We pass around the law book and that takes at least one group member out of the argument for a few minutes. LOL

  2. Just for the Star Wars reference alone you should have won and for the best slogan and image.

  3. Haha it's really just based On the dice roles. Buy yea I think we all should have been more aggressive in order to get as many law points as possible. The real world isn't as forgiving as a simple game
