Signing of the Constitution 1787

Friday, April 27, 2012

Bill of Non-Rights.

1. Our Great Emperor is the head of state and church.
2. You are guilty unless deemed innocent.
3. Once charged with a crime you are to be held without bail.
4. You are always subject to search and seizure.
5. The Emperor will decree the tax rate.
6. Citizens a require to register weapons with the government.
7. Population control shall be in forced when needed.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Our Nation State

before last Thursday I thought our nation was doing really well.  Until that is that  I sat down at the War Table and saw the amount of law points that the other nations had.  We were well behind most nation's, which is expected just like the real world nations prosper by trade not Isolation.  Our leaders need to get together and come up with a new strategy and we need to be more proactive.  This is kind of hard because we are The Empire for f*@k sake so How willing to work with others can we be.  We really only can have one goal and that is to Rule The Galaxy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Empire....a totalitarian society

I think that our country is something similar to governments established in North Korea, soviet union or Nazi Germany during World War 2. Best way to describe it would be saying that it is something like George Orwell's book 1984 where the government controls every aspect of a citizen's life using tactics of terror and constant surveillance. I think it's fun interpreting the law in a fictional manner because we realize that we don't have to create or emulate laws that exist in our own lives and we can actually create something that is totally different than what we are used to. Seeing how laws effect a person's life directly I think we realize how fortunate we are to have the freedoms that we have. I definitely would not like to be a citizen of "the Empire" if it really existed.

There aren't any models that we are using for a plan on what we would like the empire to be. Everything that we have created is from brain storming and I think that the reason why we came up with the laws is because we looked at the opportunity to create laws like a dictator (we decided that the government takes total control of everything). As with any country that has such an aggressive attitude toward a citizen's rights, we are not afraid to go to war. However, we are also not going to declare war without any purpose or anything to gain.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Constitution, of Supreme Living, of Our Great Nation State, Serving Our Great Emperor As One Unified Empire

We, the people of The Empire.  Acting through our Elected Representatives in our Nation Council shall secure for ourselves, Integrity, Influence, and Individuality through prosperity and cooperation with other nations.  Unless provoked by tyranny from abroad.

Functions Of Government

Executive Branch:
 Article 1. Our Great Emperor, is the symbol of our nation and sanctifies the unity of our great nation.
 Article 2. The Prime Minister will be appointed by the Emperor and chosen from the council maintains governing powers for a period of 4 years.  The Prime Minister holds the highest position in our "Armed Services," but cannot declare war.

Legislative Branch:
"The Council" shall consist of two branches, The Royal Council and House of Councilors.  Both "Houses" have war declaration powers and power to create laws. 
  Article 1.  The Royal Council shall consist of 50 councilors elected from The House of Councilors.  With a "Majority" this house has the ability to "Veto" laws passed by The House of Councilors, Including the declaring of war.  Members of this house may serve The Empire for a lifetime.
 Article 2.  The House of Councilors shall consist of 250 members "Elected" by the people.  This house reserves the right to create laws and declare war when needed.  Members serve for 3 year terms.

Judicial Branch:
The Judicial Branch of Our Great Empire consists of 2 courts, The Royal Court and The Peoples Court.
 Article 1.  The Royal Court Justices shall consist of 7 Judges, appointed by the Prime Minister.  These appointments are held until a Justice retires or expires.
 Article 2.  The people court consists of Justices elected by the people.  These Justices shall serve for a period of 7 years.